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Re: How has your coding style changed over the years?

by Discipulus (Canon)
on Aug 08, 2022 at 10:22 UTC ( [id://11146023]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How has your coding style changed over the years?

very nice read and thread my friend!

My coding style changed a lot because Perl was and still is my only programming language and I started horribly :)


  • I switched from &my_sub(..) to my_sub(..) where I used & to highlight my own subs defined in the current program. I was bored to receive perl4 accusation :) and "you should be aware of.." YES I'M AWARE! :)

  • in quick hacks (I still do a lot of quickies) I just like to have decent style

  • probably biggest change was not in style but in preparation: if I plan something that can be a module then I think about it more hours than before before coding, trying to highlight eventual critical points before coding. I have been burned by my own Game::Term where I missed completely the right implementation of my idea and now I have no more will to rewrite it..

  • if a module, then I write tests, documentation and code in parallel and I use gitlab or github, with a bit of pain but rewarding effort!

  • I always put POD after __DATA__

  • I comment complex code but mainly for my lack of memory after a short while

  • I generally put all subs at the end of the file, sometimes separated by long ##### lines

  • I close braces at the indentation level where I open them, and I like spaces with parens:

    foreach my $it ( @eles ){ foreach my $part ( split '|', $it ){ ....; } }
  • sometimes I align nested parens in another way, adding newlines too (see below example wher GetOptions parens follow this style, dfferently from unless parens)

  • I align hashes and the alike only for my own eyes plesure and because a program should be beutiful
    unless ( GetOptions ( 'url=s' => \$url, 'agent=s' => \$agent, 'extraparts|cache=i' => \$cache_size, 'debug=i' => \$debug, + ); ) { die "$0 -url URL [-agent STRING -extraparts N -debug [0-2]]" }
  • I use as above short blocks in one line style.

  • I put a blank line where my eyes need it, after complex blocks or deep indentation end

  • I put attention to variable names, more if they spread all over the program. A speaking long name is not a problem if you have autocomplation. This can be verbose using Tk where if I have a part of the program managing Sierpinski fractals I have vars named: $input_sie $color_sie $title_sie $label_sie $hint_sie or $jpeg_quality_ent for the entry field

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