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Re^3: Hash versus chain of elsifs

by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop)
on Nov 22, 2021 at 09:50 UTC ( [id://11139009]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Hash versus chain of elsifs
in thread Hash versus chain of elsifs

You should make it persist. That will have a big impact on performance. If you need further help, show us some sample code and we'll be able to show various ways to make it persist.

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Re^4: Hash versus chain of elsifs
by mldvx4 (Friar) on Nov 22, 2021 at 10:24 UTC

    Here is some sample code:

    package JunnkSites 0.03; use parent qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(KnownJunkSite); sub KnownJunkSite { my ($a) = (@_); my %junksites = ( "", "", ... "", "", ); if(exists($junksites{$a})) { $a = 1; } else { $a = 0; } return($a); }

    Any other performance and style tips or pointers welcome.

      Some feedback on your posted code:

      • Always post a SSCCE
      • Your hash is not correct (which would have been picked up with a SSCCE).
      • Always Use strict and warnings
      • Don't use $a or $b as your variable name because they have special meanings in Perl.
      • DRY (you have repeated $a unnecessarily in your sample code).

      Anyway, here is a very simple example of how I would go about it.

      use strict; use warnings; # Using block lexical scope to data-hide %junksites { my %junksites = ( '' => 1, '' => 1, '' => 1, '' => 1, ); sub KnownJunkSite { my $val = shift; return exists $junksites{$val}; } } for my $v ('', 'fred', '') +{ print "$v: ", KnownJunkSite($v) ? "found\n" : "not found\n"; }

      Running this little test program produces: found fred: not found found

      Update: Should you write a Procedural Module or an OO Module or just use a Hash?

      In your case, if I wrote a module, I'd use OO. See also:

      ... though I'd also consider not writing a module at all, instead just using a hash/hashref directly, as analysed below in my reply to this reply.

        If performance is an issue, you might consider eliminating the lookup function call overhead (and the arguments about whether your module should use state or our or lexically scoped my ;-) simply by not writing a function at all! Instead performing your hash lookups directly.

        To test this idea, I wrote the following little benchmark:

        use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw(timethese); # Test hash my %junksites = ( '' => 1, '' => 1, '' => 1, '' => 1, ); sub KnownJunkSite { my $val = shift; return $junksites{$val}; } my @testlist = ( '', '', 'fred', 'ww' ) x 1000; sub fn_lookup { for my $v (@testlist) { my $t = KnownJunkSite($v); } } sub hash_lookup { for my $v (@testlist) { my $t = $junksites{$v}; } } my $href = \%junksites; sub hashref_lookup { for my $v (@testlist) { my $t = $href->{$v}; } } timethese 50_000, { Fn => sub { fn_lookup() }, Hash => sub { hash_lookup() }, HashRef => sub { hashref_lookup() }, };

        Running the little benchmark program above on my laptop displayed:

        Benchmark: timing 50000 iterations of Fn, Hash, HashRef... Fn: 28 wallclock secs (27.56 usr + 0.00 sys = 27.56 CPU) @ 181 +4.03/s Hash: 11 wallclock secs (11.62 usr + 0.00 sys = 11.62 CPU) @ 430 +1.08/s HashRef: 12 wallclock secs (12.02 usr + 0.00 sys = 12.02 CPU) @ 416 +1.12/s

        Note that in the sample code above, to make a direct hash lookup more pleasing to the eye, I eliminated the call to exists simply by ensuring all keys have the true value 1.

        No surprise that using the hash directly is a lot faster than calling a function every time you do a lookup. Also of interest is that a hash lookup is only marginally faster than a hash_ref lookup.

        Based on this benchmark, rather than agonizing over whether your function should use block lexical scope or the Perl 5.10 state feature or an our variable, you might instead choose not to use a function at all! That is, perform the lookup directly via a hash, rather than a function call. Note that using a hashref, rather than a hash, gives you the flexibility to call your code with many different hashes, at a miniscule performance cost.

      G'day mldvx4,

      I agree with others that a hash is likely to be more efficient than a chain of elsifs. Having said that, as a general rule-of-thumb, you should Benchmark: Perl may have already optimised what you're trying to do (so you'd be both wasting your time and bloating your code); different algorithms may be more or less efficient depending on the data (e.g. number of strings, individual length of strings, total size of data); and so on. Don't guess; benchmark.

      "Any other performance and style tips or pointers welcome."
      • When asked for sample code; provide code that we can run and output that shows it runs correctly. If you can't get your code to produce the desired output, indicate what you expected and show what you actually got (including all error and warning messages verbatim between <code>...</code> tags). I suggest you read "SSCCE".
      • Your package name should probably only contain one 'n', i.e. JunkSites.
      • Always put use strict; and use warnings; at the top of your code.
      • Don't use $a or $b as general variables. They're special. See "$a".
      • Use state, instead of my, to declare persistent variables. Note that state was introduced in Perl v5.10.
      • The code you show for sub KnownJunkSite {...} looks very wrong. See my example code below for what I think is closer to what you're after.

      Example code:

      #!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; my @test_sites = qw{}; check_junk($_) for @test_sites; sub KnownJunkSite { my ($key) = @_; state $is_junksite = { map +($_, 1), qw{ } }; return exists $is_junksite->{$key} ? 1 : 0; } sub check_junk { my ($key) = @_; say "$key: ", KnownJunkSite($key); }

      Output: 1 0 1 0

      — Ken

      You can make your %junksites variable persist either by moving it outside the sub (in a block lexical scope) or by making it a state variable.

      For a simple example of these two approaches, see the %rtoa variable at:

        Or better, declare it outside the function as "our %junksites". That way someone can make changes to it if needed.
      my %junksites = ( "", "", ... "", "", );

      Note that hash needs key and value pairs, so you're storing only the site names without www as keys; the www. prefixed ones are stored as values. Probably not what you want.

      The fast way how to initialize the keys is

      my %junksites; @junksites{qw{ ... }} = ();

      map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]

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