in reply to Problem with regex wildcard operator (.)...?

BTW: If you are going to do matching against a word list after the words in the list have had their letters sorted into alpha order and if you will do many matches against the same word list, it will be (possibly much) more efficient to first build a hash of all sorted versus native words.

Win8 Strawberry (32) Mon 09/06/2021 1:53:18 C:\@Work\Perl\monks >perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings use Data::Dump qw(dd); # for debug my @words = ( # added a few extra 'words' '', 'x', 'a', 's', 'aa', 'as', 'es', 'is', 'os', 'sh', 'si', 'so' ); dd '@words:', \@words; # for debug # map words to sorted words. my %sorted = map { $_ => join('', sort split //) } @words; dd 'sorted words hash:', \%sorted; # for debug print "----------------------------\n"; for my $regex (qw(.?a? a?.? s?.? .?s?)) { my $rx_full = qr{ ^ $regex $ }x; # faster if used often # my $rx_full = qr{ \A $regex \z }xms; # i prefer \A \z \Z and /xms + tail print "Matches for FULL regex pattern: $rx_full \n"; for my $word (@words) { print "'$sorted{$word}' -> '$word' " if $sorted{$word} =~ $rx +_full; } print "\n----------------------------\n"; } ^Z ( "\@words:", ["", "x", "a", "s", "aa", "as", "es", "is", "os", "sh", "si", "so"], ) ( "sorted words hash:", { "" => "", "a" => "a", "aa" => "aa", "as" => "as", "es" => "es", "is" => "is", "os" => "os", "s" => "s", "sh" => "hs", "si" => "is", "so" => "os", "x" => "x", }, ) ---------------------------- Matches for FULL regex pattern: (?x-ism: ^ .?a? $ ) '' -> '' 'x' -> 'x' 'a' -> 'a' 's' -> 's' 'aa' -> 'aa' ---------------------------- Matches for FULL regex pattern: (?x-ism: ^ a?.? $ ) '' -> '' 'x' -> 'x' 'a' -> 'a' 's' -> 's' 'aa' -> 'aa' 'as' -> 'a +s' ---------------------------- Matches for FULL regex pattern: (?x-ism: ^ s?.? $ ) '' -> '' 'x' -> 'x' 'a' -> 'a' 's' -> 's' ---------------------------- Matches for FULL regex pattern: (?x-ism: ^ .?s? $ ) '' -> '' 'x' -> 'x' 'a' -> 'a' 's' -> 's' 'as' -> 'as' 'es' -> 'e +s' 'is' -> 'is' 'os' -> 'os' 'hs' -> 'sh' 'is' -> 'si' 'os' -> ' +so' ----------------------------

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