in reply to Reverse download protocols [solved]

Just something to complete this insanity:

sub steal_a_file_from_our_isp_that_charges_for_downstream_net_bytes_on +ly { my ($some_kind_of_uri) = @_; my @buffer; my $location = 0; while ( 'true' ) { my $done = 0; for my $val (0..255) { #-- 0..255: use a list with values sorted by highest probability # first for an incredible speed boost my $resp = query_server_if_byte_at_location_has_value($some_kin +d_of_uri, $location++, $val); next if $resp eq 'timeout'; return @buffer if $resp eq 'eof'; push @buffer, $val; $done=1; last; } $location-- unless $done; # 256 timeouts, so the response was lost + and we need to retry } }

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