Polyglot has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have data in a format like this:

43:1:1; 43:1:2; 43:1:3; 43:1:4; 43:1:5; 43:1:6; 27:3:7; 27:3:8; 27:3:9 +; 65:1:4; 65:1:18

I'm attempting to condense these to ranges for every sequence in which the first two colon-delimited numbers are the same and the third numbers are in chronological sequence. For this range, my output should be:

43:1:1-5; 27:3:7-9; 65:1:4; 65:1:18

The variability in potential sequence lengths is what is throwing me on this one. While I can match it with a regex expression, I don't know how to make the substitution with only the last matched number in the sequence, i.e., how to know which capture group is the last numbered capture.

Here is what I was trying:

$seq =~ s/ (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (?:;|\s)* (\1):(\2):(?{1+($3|$6)}) /$1:$2:$3-$6/xg;

This leaves me with the wrong output:

#OUTPUT 43:1:1-2; 43:1:3-4; 43:1:5-6; 27:3:7-8; 27:3:9; 65:1:4-18

Am I attempting something beyond the bounds of regex?

