in reply to Sorting perl hash

Your line for my $key1 (keys %rankBased) { implies that you have an HoHoH structure to start with and, as others have mentioned, you can't have "ordered" hashes without a bit of jiggery-pokery. To retain a sorted order you need to introduce an array in there somewhere. The following code constructs an HoAoHoH structure, inserting an array between your $key1 and $key2 so that the sort is preserved.

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my %rankBased = ( q{191} => { test1 => { score => 9.18 }, test2 => { score => 2.84 }, test3 => { score => 15.62 }, test4 => { score => 11.84 }, }, q{190} => { test1 => { score => 13.28 }, test2 => { score => -47.56 }, test3 => { score => 18.50 }, test4 => { score => 14.88 }, }, ); my %sortedByRank; foreach my $key ( keys %rankBased ) { $sortedByRank{ $key } = [ map { { $_ => { score => $rankBased{ $key }->{ $_ }->{ score } + } } } sort { $rankBased{ $key }->{ $b }->{ score } <=> $rankBased{ $key }->{ $a }->{ score } } keys %{ $rankBased{ $key } } ]; } print Data::Dumper->Dumpxs( [ \ %sortedByRank ], [ qw{ *sortedByRank } + ] );

The Data::Dumper output.

%sortedByRank = ( '191' => [ { 'test3' => { 'score' => '15.62' } }, { 'test4' => { 'score' => '11.84' } }, { 'test1' => { 'score' => '9.18' } }, { 'test2' => { 'score' => '2.84' } } ], '190' => [ { 'test3' => { 'score' => '18.5' } }, { 'test4' => { 'score' => '14.88' } }, { 'test1' => { 'score' => '13.28' } }, { 'test2' => { 'score' => '-47.56' } } ] );

I hope this guess at your data and intentions is helpful.

Update: Changing the map line to

map { { $_ => { %{ $rankBased{ $key }->{ $_ } } } } }

will work if the innermost hashes have multiple key/value pairs.

