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Limit on number of nodes in a Tk::Tree?

by parv (Parson)
on Jan 14, 2021 at 05:31 UTC ( [id://11126885]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

parv has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Is there a limit on number of nodes a Tk::Tree can have? (I had tried to search for this but came up with useless results.) Or, why would a Tk::Tree not completely render a Tk window?

I was trying to locate very fat directories on MS Windows 10 (modied code at the end), but the Tk window stopped updating after some entries. The output from &buildSubTree ...

sub buildSubTree { ... #printf qq[Fetching data for %s ...\n], $path; foreach my $dir ( sort readdir $DH ) { ... my $annotation = annotate( $path , $size , $dirs , $files ); warn qq[$annotation], "\n"; $tree->entryconfigure( $node , '-text' => $annotation ); ++$stack->[-1]; } closedir $DH or die qq[Cannot close "$path": $!\n]; pop @$stack; printf( "=== %s\n", annotate( $path, $sizeTotal, $fileCount, $dirCo +unt ) ); return ( $dirCount , $fileCount , $sizeTotal ); }

... shows that the program does go through the whole tree of C:/Users/<userid> without much of any issues. There were no obvious Windows error dialogs or error messages from Perl or Tk.

In the end, I used the text output instead of GUI to find the fat directories.

I ran the following program with Starwaberry Perl 5.32.0 & Tk 804.035 (with MAX patch applied) in Powershell 7.0.1.

#!perl # This is a modified copy of the directory explorer code posted on # PerlMonks by 'GrandFather' at ... # # #;node_id=535607;repl +ies=1 use warnings; use strict; use Carp (qw[ croak carp ]); use Data::Dumper; use Tk; use Tk::Tree; use Tk::Font; use File::Spec; BEGIN { # Tk-related variable(s). our ( $node_sep ) = ( '/' ); sub stack_as_string { return join $node_sep , ref $_[0] ? @{ $_[0] } : @_; } # Number of bytes. my %units = ( 1 => 'B' , 1024 => 'KB' , 1024 * 1024 => 'MB' , 1024 * 1024 * 1024 => 'GB' , 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 => 'TB' ) ; my @ordered = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %units; # Convert size in bytes to a unit (upto TB) appropriate for the or +der of # the size. sub size_in_xbyte { my ( $size ) = @_; return 'UNKNOWN SIZE' unless defined $size; my $factor = $ordered[0]; foreach my $u ( @ordered ) { $size < $u and last; $factor = $u; } # Use number of bytes (B) as is (knowing that $factor will be 1 +). my $format = $factor != $ordered[0] ? '%0.1f %s' : '%0d %s'; return sprintf $format, $size / $factor, $units{$factor}; } } our ( $node_sep ); my $tree_start = 1; my $path = shift; ShowHelp() unless defined $path; # Adjust as you like. # In pixel. my $window_width = 1200; my $window_height = 800; my $geom = sprintf q[%dx%d], $window_width, $window_height; # In File::Spec pod, there is no constructor method noted, nor is 'si +mple # use' defined for which functional forms of methods are available. +Missing # also is a list of exported function. my $fspec = 'File::Spec'; $path = $fspec->canonpath($path); ShowHelp( -2 , "Error finding folder $path\n\n" ) unless -d $path; my $main = MainWindow->new( '-title' => "Statistics for $path" ); $main->geometry( $geom ); # Size is in point. my $font = $main->Font( '-family' => 'Helvetica', '-size' => 14 ); #warn join ' ' , $font->Name(), $font->Size(), "\n"; my $tree = $main->ScrlTree( '-font' => $font , '-itemtype' => 'text' , '-separator' => $node_sep # Once, having scrollbars-only-when-nee +ded-option, 'o', did not make the # scrollbars appear when the content ov +erflows display area (FreeBSD # 6-STABLE & Tk-804.027, Tk +Now (Sun Mar 12 13:18:18 UTC 2006) # optional scrollbars are behaving as a +dvertised. And i do not know # why|how! , '-scrollbars' => 'osow' ) ->pack( '-fill' => 'both' , '-expand' => 1 +) ; my @node_stack = ($tree_start); my $node = $tree_start; $tree->add( $node , '-text' => $path ); printf( qq[Starting with "%s" ...\n], $path ); my ( $subDirCount , $subFileCount , $subTotalSize ) = buildSubTree( $tree , $path , \@node_stack ); $tree->entryconfigure( $node , '-text' => annotate( $path , $subTotalSize , $s +ubDirCount , $subFileCount ) ); $tree->autosetmode; collapse_nodes( $tree ); $tree->open( $node ); $main->bind( '<KeyPress-q>' , sub { exit ; } ); $tree->bind( '<KeyPress-Return>' , \&toggle_tree_expand ); $tree->focus; MainLoop; # Key binding function to expand|collapse a subtree. sub toggle_tree_expand { my $root = $tree->info( 'selection' ); return unless defined $root && length $root; my @nodes = $tree->info( 'children' , $root ); return unless scalar @nodes; # $tree->open() does not (sometimes) expands a tree, but $tree->cl +ose() does # collapse an open()'d tree. # -- # Handle both open & close cases for now. my ( $meth ); foreach ( @nodes ) { $meth = $tree->info( 'hidden' , $nodes[-1] ) ? 'show' : 'hide'; $tree->setmode( $root , $meth eq 'show' ? 'close' : 'open' ); $tree->$meth( 'entry' , $_ ); } $tree->update; } sub collapse_nodes { my ( $tree , $node , $collapse ) = @_; my @subnodes = $tree->info( 'children' , $node ); return unless scalar @subnodes; foreach my $n ( @subnodes ) { collapse_nodes( $tree , $n , 1 ); $tree->hide( 'entry' , $n ) if $collapse; } $tree->setmode( $node , 'open' ) if $node; } sub buildSubTree { my ( $tree , $path , $stack ) = @_ ; my ( $dirCount , $fileCount , $sizeTotal ) = (0) x3 ; push @$stack , $tree_start; my $DH; if ( ! opendir $DH , "$path" ) { warn( qq[Cannot open "$path": $!\n] ); return ( 0, 0, 0 ); } #printf qq[Fetching data for %s ...\n], $path; foreach my $dir ( sort readdir $DH ) { next if $dir eq $fspec->updir or $dir eq $fspec->curdir; # Don't know what will happen if catfile() is substitued w/ cat +dir() # on non-Unix operating systems. my $path = $fspec->catfile( $path , $dir ); my $node = stack_as_string( $stack ); $tree->add( $node , '-text' => $path ); my ( $size , $dirs , $files ); # Use lstat to avoid chasing circular|dangling symbolic links. lstat $path; if ( ! -d _ ) { ++$fileCount; $size = -s _; $sizeTotal += $size if defined $size; } else { ( $dirs , $files , $size ) = buildSubTree( $tree , $path , $s +tack ); $dirCount += $dirs + 1; $fileCount += $files; $sizeTotal += $size; } my $annotation = annotate( $path , $size , $dirs , $files ); warn qq[$annotation], "\n"; $tree->entryconfigure( $node , '-text' => $annotation ); ++$stack->[-1]; } closedir $DH or die qq[Cannot close "$path": $!\n]; pop @$stack; printf( "=== %s\n", annotate( $path, $sizeTotal, $fileCount, $dirCo +unt ) ); return ( $dirCount , $fileCount , $sizeTotal ); } sub annotate { my ( $path , $size , $dirs , $files ) = @_; return join q// , $path , "\t(" , size_in_xbyte( $size ) , ( map { !$_->[0] ? () : sprintf ', %s %s%s' , @{$_} , count_to_plural_suffix( $_ +->[0] ) } [ $dirs , 'dir' ] , [ $files , 'file' ] ) , ')' ; } sub count_to_plural_suffix { return $_[0] > 1 ? 's' : ''; } sub ShowHelp { my $exitValue = 0; $exitValue = shift if defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/; print $_ while $_ = shift; print <<HELP; FolderStats scans a directory tree starting at the folder given on the command line and generates an explorer like tree giving folder content stats such as number of files, their total size, and the count and sizes of sub-folders. Note that the statistics are not dynamically updated as files and folders are altered on disk. Usage: FolderStats <root folder> Key Binding: q: quits the program. Enter: expands or collapses a tree. Up, Down: Vertically move up or down. arrows: Left, Right: Move one level up or down. arrows: HELP exit( $exitValue || -1 ); }

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Re: Limit on number of nodes in a Tk::Tree?
by bliako (Monsignor) on Jan 14, 2021 at 11:27 UTC

    how about trying to create the *simplest* code for populating a Tk::Tree with dummy data without involving other sources of uncertainty, e.g. readdir.

     Tk window stopped updating after some entries. 

    some entries or some time or some memory usage?

Re: Limit on number of nodes in a Tk::Tree?
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 14, 2021 at 09:55 UTC
    What does dirtree do with same path?
Re: Limit on number of nodes in a Tk::Tree?
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 14, 2021 at 22:16 UTC
    Don't try to populate a GUI-tree based on a possibly infinitely-deep filesystem tree. You have to exert more control over the overall situation than that.

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