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Re^3: Random Nodes are prohibited

by stevieb (Canon)
on Jan 02, 2021 at 21:17 UTC ( [id://11126167]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Random Nodes are prohibited
in thread Random Nodes are prohibited

Congrats on becoming a Friar! I vaguely remember that period for me. I even wrote a node about it way back when.

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Re^4: Random Nodes are prohibited
by Bod (Parson) on Jan 02, 2021 at 23:09 UTC
    Congrats on becoming a Friar!

    Thank you.
    And all within 7 weeks of becoming a Monk.

    I was pondering how different things might have been had I got involved when I first came across the Monastery all those years ago instead of just using it as a reference when I got stuck. That would have been over 20 years of learning, helping, contributing and relationship building...oh well *sigh*...I don't have a time machine.

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