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Re^2: Generate all unique combinations of 1 and 0 using specified length of "0"-string and count of 1's

by marioroy (Prior)
on Dec 29, 2020 at 05:01 UTC ( [id://11125914]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Generate all unique combinations of 1 and 0 using specified length of "0"-string and count of 1's
in thread Generate all unique combinations of 1 and 0 using specified length of "0"-string and count of 1's


karlgoethebier pinged me to give parallel a try. I tried 2 versions using GrandFather's demonstration.

Running serially:

print "$_\n" for GenUniStrings(9, 25);

Running parallel:

This is possible. One way is generating a small sample as input data for the workers to process.

my ($numOnes, $strLen) = (9, 25); my @input_data = uniq map { substr $_, 0, $numOnes - 1 } GenUniStrings($numOnes - 1, $numOnes * 2 - 2); print "$_\n" for @input_data; __END__ 11111111 11111110 11111101 11111100 11111011 11111010 11111001 11111000 ... 00000111 00000110 00000101 00000100 00000011 00000010 00000001 00000000


use strict; use warnings; use List::MoreUtils 'uniq'; use MCE::Map; sub GenUniStrings { # my ($numOnes, $strLen) = @_; my @strings; die "Number of ones can't be zero or negative" if $numOnes < 1; for my $prefixSize (0 .. $strLen - $numOnes) { my $prefix = '0' x $prefixSize; my $tailLen = $strLen - $prefixSize - 1; if ($numOnes == 1) { push @strings, $prefix . '1' . ('0' x $tailLen); } else { push @strings, map {$prefix . '1' . $_} GenUniStrings($numOnes - 1, $tailLen); } } return @strings; } my ($numOnes, $strLen) = (9, 25); my @input_data = uniq map { substr $_, 0, $numOnes - 1 } GenUniStrings($numOnes - 1, $numOnes * 2 - 2); # print "$_\n" for @input_data; # exit; MCE::Map::init { max_workers => MCE::Util::get_ncpu() >> 1, chunk_size => 1, }; my @strings = mce_map { my $count = $numOnes - tr/1//; my $head = $_; map { $head . $_ } GenUniStrings($count, $strLen - length($head)); } @input_data; print "$_\n" for @strings;

MCE workers writing directly to STDOUT:

use strict; use warnings; use List::MoreUtils 'uniq'; use MCE; sub GenUniStrings { # my ($numOnes, $strLen) = @_; my @strings; die "Number of ones can't be zero or negative" if $numOnes < 1; for my $prefixSize (0 .. $strLen - $numOnes) { my $prefix = '0' x $prefixSize; my $tailLen = $strLen - $prefixSize - 1; if ($numOnes == 1) { push @strings, $prefix . '1' . ('0' x $tailLen); } else { push @strings, map {$prefix . '1' . $_} GenUniStrings($numOnes - 1, $tailLen); } } return @strings; } my ($numOnes, $strLen) = (9, 25); my @input_data = uniq map { substr $_, 0, $numOnes - 1 } GenUniStrings($numOnes - 1, $numOnes * 2 - 2); # print "$_\n" for @input_data; # exit; STDOUT->autoflush; MCE->new( max_workers => MCE::Util::get_ncpu() >> 1, chunk_size => 1, input_data => \@input_data, init_relay => '', user_func => sub { my $count = $numOnes - tr/1//; my $head = $_; my @strings = map { $head . $_ } GenUniStrings($count, $strLen - length($head)); MCE::relay { print "$_\n" for @strings; }; } )->run;


Writing to STDOUT involves overhead in itself. Therefore, I reran again after validation and directed the output to /dev/null. The results were captured on a MacBook laptop. The serial demonstration is likely fast enough if also factoring writing to disk.

$ time perl >/dev/null real 0m5.957s user 0m5.851s sys 0m0.099s $ time perl >/dev/null real 0m2.468s user 0m9.015s sys 0m0.596s $ time perl >/dev/null real 0m1.988s user 0m7.067s sys 0m0.507s

Regards, Mario

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