in reply to Re: how check the first release of a new operand? (perlvers )
in thread how check the first release of a new operand?

Both perlver (from Perl::MinimumVersion) and perlver-fast (from Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast, which is much faster, but requires perl-5.8.0 and up) are extremely useful, but both lack some covarage, and I personally miss support for -e.

Another problem is that both only report a single issue:

$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Requires 5.6.0 my $a = 5; -e -f -s $0 and print "0\n"; # Requires 5.8.0 1 < $a < 10 and print "1\n"; # Requires 5.31.11 / 5.32.0 $a //= 42; # Requires 5.10.0 $a =~ s{0\K}{}; # Requires 5.10.0 $b = $a =~ s{0}{1}r; # Requires 5.14.0 $ perlver --blame ------------------------------------------------------------ File : Line : 12 Char : 12 Rule : _regex Version : 5.013002 ------------------------------------------------------------ s{0}{1}r ------------------------------------------------------------

perlver-fast does not support --blame :(

$ perlver-fast 5.010

If you replace the script of perlver-fast with this code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling passthrough); use Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast; GetOptions ( "e:s" => \my $expr, "v" => \my $verbose, ) or die; if (@ARGV) { report ($_, $_) for @ARGV; } elsif ($expr) { report ("-e", \$expr); } else { my $src = do { local $/; <> }; report ("STDIN", \$src); } sub report { my ($in, $src) = @_; my $v = Perl::MinimumVersion::Fast->new ($src); printf "%s: %s / %s\n", $in, $v->minimum_version, $v->minimum_synt +ax_version; $verbose or return; my @markers = $v->version_markers; while (@markers) { my ($pv, $m) = splice @markers, 0, 2; printf "%-10s %s\n", $pv, $_ for @$m; } }

You have support for -e:

$ perlver-fast -e '$a //= 4' -e: 5.010 / 5.010

where it would otherwise fail with Unknown file: -e at ...

With this modified version you can also show the reasons (with -v)

$ perlver-fast -ve '$a //= 4; package foo 0.04 { 1; }' -e: 5.014 / 5.014 5.010 //= operator 5.012 package NAME VERSION 5.014 package NAME VERSION BLOCK

It however does not (yet) detect \K or s{}{}r (issues are created)

$ perlver-fast -ve '$a = "fo" =~ s{f\K}{o}r' -e: 5.006 / 5.006

Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn