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Re^9: What's the right way to write a method which returns one line at a time from a file?

by hippo (Bishop)
on Nov 25, 2020 at 09:44 UTC ( [id://11124187]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^8: What's the right way to write a method which returns one line at a time from a file?
in thread What's the right way to write a method which returns one line at a time from a file?

I see that construct as a perfectly legitimate way to handle returning different values in different cases.

It is legitimate but all those unnecessary elsifs and elses spread confusion. Why are they there if they serve no purpose? TIMTOWTDI but I prefer the clarity of

return A if FOO; return B if BAR; return C if BAZ; die "unmatched case";


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