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Fastest way to "pick without replacement"

by haukex (Archbishop)
on Nov 20, 2020 at 10:14 UTC ( [id://11123879]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

haukex has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Today's post "Find combination of numbers whose sum equals X" got me wondering about this: what's the "best" (= fastest, most memory-efficient, etc.) way to implement a (typically recursive) "pick without replacement" algorithm like this? Here's an example with splice, plus grepping the indicies, as choroba used here. Who has more ideas?

use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my @numbers = ( 0..20 ); my $index = 3; my @expect = ( 0..2,4..20 ); use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; splice @output, $index, 1; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, grep => sub { # my @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate grep splice grep 835107/s -- -68% splice 2575950/s 208% --

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Fastest way to "pick without replacement"
by hippo (Bishop) on Nov 20, 2020 at 10:25 UTC

    Interesting question. First thought was full slices. It's faster than grep but still nowhere near splice.

    use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my @numbers = ( 0..20 ); my $index = 3; my @expect = ( 0..2,4..20 ); use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; splice @output, $index, 1; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, grep => sub { # my @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, slice => sub { my @output = @numbers[0..$index-1,$index+1..$#numbers]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate grep slice splice grep 291881/s -- -38% -66% slice 468110/s 60% -- -46% splice 859381/s 194% 84% --


Re: Fastest way to "pick without replacement"
by bliako (Monsignor) on Nov 20, 2020 at 10:53 UTC

    haukex the test you are proposing removes only 1 item from @numbers. If the test removed more than one numbers (or all) one after the other (after a shuffle) could be more realistic (and my hash-based approach could get a chance too :)):

    use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; use List::Util qw/shuffle/; my @numbers = ( 0..20 ); my @indices = shuffle 0..$#numbers; my @expect = ( 0..2,4..20 ); use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; for my $index (@indices){ splice @output, 0, 1; } join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, grep => sub { # my @output; for my $index (@indices){ @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; } join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, hash => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = @numbers; for my $index (@indices){ delete $ha{$index}; } my @output = map { $ha{$_} } sort keys %ha; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate grep hash splice grep 30916/s -- -85% -96% hash 205775/s 566% -- -71% splice 707918/s 2190% 244% --

    With the above, grep is disadvantaged and splice it just a guess by me (it always removes the first item).

    The bottom line: in a loop of removals, hash-based approach can be a contestant too although splice is by far the best but it messes the indices.

    bw, bliako

      Have you tried setting TEST to 1? The implementation of grep is wrong, it overwrites the result in each iteration of the for loop. Also, removing just half of the indices shows most of the code needs to be fixed.
      #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw{ cmpthese }; use List::Util qw{ shuffle }; my @numbers = 0 .. 20; my @indices = shuffle(grep $_ % 2, 0 .. $#numbers); my @expect = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20); use constant TEST => 1; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; for my $index (sort { $b <=> $a } @indices){ splice @output, $index, 1; } join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die "@output\n@e +xpect" if TEST; }, grep => sub { my @output = @numbers[ grep { my $number = $_; ! grep $number == $_, @indices } 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die "@output\n@e +xpect" if TEST; }, hash => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = (); for my $index (@indices){ delete $ha{$index}; } my @output = @numbers[ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ha ]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die "@output\n@e +xpect" if TEST; }, hash_slice => sub { my %indices; @indices{0 .. $#numbers} = (); delete @indices{@indices}; my @output = @numbers[sort { $a <=> $b } keys %indices]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die "@output\n@e +xpect" if TEST; } });
      The order hasn't changed, but the ratios have (result with TEST set back to 0):
      Rate grep hash hash_slice splice grep 65163/s -- -42% -45% -89% hash 112778/s 73% -- -5% -81% hash_slice 118725/s 82% 5% -- -80% splice 580859/s 791% 415% 389% --
      (swl's solution included slightly improved.)

      Update: But using a nested loop (grep in grep) is inefficient and is probably not how I would have changed the original code removing a single element. I'd rather use something like

      grep => sub { my %indices; @indices{@indices} = (); my @output = @numbers[ grep ! exists $indices{$_}, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die "@output\n@e +xpect" if TEST; },

      which leads to (TEST = 0)

      Rate hash hash_slice grep splice hash 113323/s -- -6% -41% -80% hash_slice 120876/s 7% -- -37% -79% grep 190934/s 68% 58% -- -66% splice 568237/s 401% 370% 198% --

      map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]

      Using a slice in the delete call will sidestep the for-loop. The map can also be replaced with a slice.

      hash_slice => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = @numbers; delete @ha{@indices}; my @output = @ha{sort keys %ha}; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; },

        The sort should also be numeric.

        hash_slice => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = @numbers; delete @ha{@indices}; my @output = @ha{sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha}; join("\0", @output) eq join("\0", @expect) or die if TEST; },

        Update: Although I now see Choroba has already done that in 11123952.


Re: Fastest way to "pick without replacement"
by Eily (Monsignor) on Nov 20, 2020 at 15:37 UTC

    If you don't care about order, replacing the deleted element by the last in the array works as well. And I was expecting it to be faster than splice (since I was expecting the latter to move every element after the one that is removed) but the performances are actually very similar:

    use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my $size = 1e3; my @numbers = ( 0..$size ); my $index = 3; my @expect = ( 0..2,4..$size ); use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; splice @output, $index, 1; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, grep => sub { # my @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, swap => sub { my @output = @numbers; $output[$index] = pop @output; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, });
    C:\Projets\perl>perl Rate grep swap splice grep 14287/s -- -73% -73% swap 52519/s 268% -- -0% splice 52549/s 268% 0% --

    NB: I checked, it works fine when $index is the last element in the array as well.

Re: Fastest way to "pick without replacement"
by LanX (Saint) on Nov 20, 2020 at 10:55 UTC
    seems to be a variation of the knapsack problem, so "best solution" is pretty ambitious.

    I have good experience solving such stuff with a branch and bound algorithm combined with clever normalization (i.e. grouping similar cases) and caching in a hash (no need to descend a sub-tree which has already been investigated before).

    In this case the normalization would be the sum of the partial solution, which would also be the key in the cache-hash.

    for instance: 2+3 = 5 so once you can cache all further path for 5 without needing to branch.

    2+3   +95 => $cache{5} = [ [95] ]

    5     +95 => seen!

    HTH! :)

    PS: I wrote many posts about branch-and-bound here try searching the archives if interested.

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    Wikisyntax for the Monastery

Re: Fastest way to "pick without replacement"
by haukex (Archbishop) on Nov 21, 2020 at 11:41 UTC

    Thank you for the replies everyone! I've put all the solutions together here - I've kept the behavior of deleting only a single value, but the comparison with deleting multiple indicies by choroba here is very interesting too! I've included Eily's solution that leaves the array out of its original order too.

    use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my @numbers = ( 'a'..'t' ); my $index = 3; my $expect = 'abcefghijklmnopqrst'; use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; splice @output, $index, 1; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, grep => sub { # choroba my @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, slice => sub { # hippo my @output = @numbers[ 0..$index-1, $index+1..$#numbers ]; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, hash => sub { # bliako my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = @numbers; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = map { $ha{$_} } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, hash_slice => sub { # swl my %ha; @ha{0..$#numbers} = @numbers; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = @ha{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, swap => sub { # Eily my @output = @numbers; $output[$index] = pop @output; join("", sort @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, pop_sort => sub { # Eily's + sort my @output = @numbers; $output[$index] = pop @output; @output = sort @output; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate hash hash_slice grep pop_sort slice sw +ap splice hash 113253/s -- -10% -78% -82% -84% -8 +7% -87% hash_slice 126029/s 11% -- -76% -80% -83% -8 +5% -86% grep 518838/s 358% 312% -- -17% -28% -3 +9% -41% pop_sort 627138/s 454% 398% 21% -- -14% -2 +6% -28% slice 725216/s 540% 475% 40% 16% -- -1 +4% -17% swap 846179/s 647% 571% 63% 35% 17% +-- -3% splice 873809/s 672% 593% 68% 39% 20% +3% --

      I was curious if storing the values in a hash in the first place might be better. Turns out, no, even if the output is a hash as well.

      use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my @array = ( 'a'..'t' ); my %hash = map { $_ => $array[$_] } 0..$#array; my $index = 3; my $expect = 'abcefghijklmnopqrst'; use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @array; splice @output, $index, 1; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, hash_slice => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#array} = @array; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = @ha{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, swap => sub { my @output = @array; $output[$index] = pop @output; join("", sort @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_del => sub { my %ha = %hash; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = @ha{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_local => sub { delete local $hash{$index}; my @output = @hash{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hash }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_grep => sub { my @output = @hash{ sort {$a <=> $b} grep { $_ != $index } keys %hash }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, outhash => sub { my %output = %hash; delete $output{$index}; join("", @output{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %output }) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate hash_slice prehash_del prehash_local prehash_gr +ep outhash swap splice hash_slice 127891/s -- -10% -40% -5 +0% -68% -85% -85% prehash_del 142822/s 12% -- -33% -4 +5% -64% -83% -84% prehash_local 214633/s 68% 50% -- -1 +7% -46% -75% -75% prehash_grep 258191/s 102% 81% 20% +-- -36% -70% -70% outhash 400518/s 213% 180% 87% 5 +5% -- -53% -54% swap 847448/s 563% 493% 295% 22 +8% 112% -- -2% splice 868423/s 579% 508% 305% 23 +6% 117% 2% --
        My guess is that using a bit-string is the fastest approach.

        Every set bit would represent a used number. °

        Of course this would mean that the overall algorithm needs to be adjusted ...

        Anyway in my experience you are doing micro-optimization here, the exponential growth of the search space makes better bound conditions to cut sub-trees far more important than tuning Perl.

        Cheers Rolf
        (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
        Wikisyntax for the Monastery

        °) the strings can't get that big, a result set for 32 input numbers would already be beyond limits.

        Out of interest, I ran the code through Devel::NYTProf, setting the number of iterations to 200,000. The sort functions in the hash-based methods are the main slow-points, with populating the hash coming a close second (i.e. @ha{0..$#array} = @array;).

        haukex has already shown that pre-initialising the hash does not change the order by much.

        Another point is that the hash slice subs don't need to get the results using a slice - they can just get the values directly.

        The code below adds two subs that sort the values call on %ha.

        When run on my system (Strawberry perl 5.28) both variants are about 20%-25% faster than their respective originals. The top few subs are, unsurprisingly, unchanged. I have not done prehash_local but would expect the same relative difference.

        use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my @array = ( 'a'..'t' ); my %hash = map { $_ => $array[$_] } 0..$#array; my $index = 3; my $expect = 'abcefghijklmnopqrst'; use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @array; splice @output, $index, 1; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, hash_slice => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#array} = @array; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = @ha{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, h_slice_2 => sub { my %ha; @ha{0..$#array} = @array; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = sort values %ha; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, swap => sub { my @output = @array; $output[$index] = pop @output; join("", sort @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_del => sub { my %ha = %hash; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = @ha{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ha }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_del_2 => sub { my %ha = %hash; delete $ha{$index}; my @output = sort values %ha; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_local => sub { delete local $hash{$index}; my @output = @hash{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hash }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, prehash_grep => sub { my @output = @hash{ sort {$a <=> $b} grep { $_ != $index } keys %hash }; join("", @output) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, outhash => sub { my %output = %hash; delete $output{$index}; join("", @output{ sort {$a <=> $b} keys %output }) eq $expect or die if TEST; }, }); __END__ Rate hash_slice h_slice_2 prehash_del prehash_del_2 +prehash_local prehash_grep outhash swap splice hash_slice 50341/s -- -20% -21% -36% + -52% -59% -67% -79% -79% h_slice_2 62792/s 25% -- -2% -20% + -40% -48% -58% -74% -74% prehash_del 63796/s 27% 2% -- -19% + -39% -48% -58% -74% -74% prehash_del_2 78613/s 56% 25% 23% -- + -25% -35% -48% -68% -68% prehash_local 104733/s 108% 67% 64% 33% + -- -14% -31% -57% -57% prehash_grep 121518/s 141% 94% 90% 55% + 16% -- -19% -50% -50% outhash 150826/s 200% 140% 136% 92% + 44% 24% -- -38% -38% swap 243449/s 384% 288% 282% 210% + 132% 100% 61% -- -1% splice 244776/s 386% 290% 284% 211% + 134% 101% 62% 1% --

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