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Re^6: What do I use to release a module to CPAN for the first time?

by hippo (Bishop)
on Oct 16, 2020 at 16:20 UTC ( [id://11122912]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: What do I use to release a module to CPAN for the first time?
in thread What do I use to release a module to CPAN for the first time?

This has always felt wonky to me, and I'm sure I'm missing the most obvious approach.

When you run make tardist (which should be the last thing to do before uploading the resultant tarball to PAUSE) it generates the META files for you (as part of the implicit make distdir) and therefore they are automatically included in that tarball. To me, that is the most obvious approach. By doing it this way I never have to actively think about any of the META files - remember that laziness is one of the Three Virtues. HTH.


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Re^7: What do I use to release a module to CPAN for the first time?
by davido (Cardinal) on Oct 18, 2020 at 15:48 UTC

    I guess I never noticed that the META.* files get included in the tarball just in time. I can safely drop them from my Git repo, and they will still be included in the PAUSE upload. Thanks.


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