Storage system address: Storage system port: 443 HTTPS connection 1: ID = disk_dpe_0_0 Enclosure = DPE_0 Slot = 0 Name = DPE Disk 0 Health state = OK (5) Health details = "The component is operating normally. No action is required." Type = SAS Capacity = 288196762624 (268.4G) Rotational speed = 15000 rpm User capacity = 236420176896 (220.2G) Pool = performance Current speed = 6 Gbps Maximum speed = 6 Gbps Manufacturer = SEAGATE Model = STE30065 CLAR300 Vendor capacity = 322122547200 (300.0G) Part number = 005049273 Serial number = 6SJ2C6MV Firmware revision = ES0E WWN = 06:00:00:00:05:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03 2: ID = disk_dpe_0_1 Enclosure = DPE_0 Slot = 1 Name = DPE Disk 1 Health state = OK (5) Health details = "The component is operating normally. No action is required." Type = SAS Capacity = 288196762624 (268.4G) Rotational speed = 15000 rpm User capacity = 236420176896 (220.2G) Pool = performance Current speed = 6 Gbps Maximum speed = 6 Gbps Manufacturer = SEAGATE Model = STE30065 CLAR300 Vendor capacity = 322122547200 (300.0G) Part number = 005049273 Serial number = 6SJ28QF3 Firmware revision = ES0E WWN = 06:00:00:00:05:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:03 .......................many more similar lines. #### ######################## use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; ######################## my $filename = "physical_disks.txt"; my $aoh_ref_physical_disks; open my $fh, "<", $filename or die "Cannot open file $filename: $!"; while (<$fh>) { #Do stuff here so that the following Array of Hashes is generated. #Try later to put all the seperate next ifs into a single statement. next if $_=~ /^Storage/; next if $_=~ /^HTTPS/; next if $_=~ /^$/; my ($filekey, $filevalue) = (split /\s+=\s+/, $_); #print "$filekey => $filevalue\n"; push @$aoh_ref_physical_disks, {$filekey => $filevalue}; } foreach my $disk (1..$#$aoh_ref_physical_disks) { foreach my $key (sort keys $aoh_ref_physical_disks->[$disk]->%*) { #Add if loop here that checks if the key "Health status" #is anything but ok or if the key "Health details" does not #contain the word "normal", then print out the other details #such as #$aoh_ref_physical_disks->[$disk]->{'ID'} #$aoh_ref_physical_disks->[$disk]->{'Health status'} #$aoh_ref_physical_disks->[$disk]->{'Health details'} #$aoh_ref_physical_disks->[$disk]->{'Model'} } } #Use Data::Dumper output to verify. print Dumper($aoh_ref_physical_disks); #### C:\Users\pritesh\perlscripts>perl $VAR1 = [ { '1: ID' => 'disk_dpe_0_0 ' }, { ' Enclosure' => 'DPE_0 ' }, { ' Slot' => '0 ' }, { ' Name' => 'DPE Disk 0 ' }, { ' Health state' => 'OK (5) ' }, ]; #and so on............. C:\Users\pugrankar\perlscripts>