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Re: rename file

by kcott (Archbishop)
on Aug 25, 2020 at 11:06 UTC ( [id://11121076]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to rename file

G'day frank1,

Welcome to the Monastery.

Firstly, I think you should define exactly what you mean by extension. For instance, is the extension of archive.tar.gz, .tar.gz or tar.gz or .gz or gz?

As you've already loaded File::Basename, you could use its fileparse() function. This function can be tricky; in particular, the @suffixes argument is a list of patterns. Consider these:

$ perl -E 'use File::Basename; say "|$_|" for fileparse("X.tgz", qw{.g +z .tgz})' |X.| |./| |tgz| $ perl -E 'use File::Basename; say "|$_|" for fileparse("X.tgz", qw{\. +gz \.tgz})' |X| |./| |.tgz|

And the order of the patterns matters. Consider these:

$ perl -E 'use File::Basename; say "|$_|" for fileparse("X.tar.gz", qw +{\.gz \.tgz \.tar\.gz})' |X.tar| |./| |.gz| $ perl -E 'use File::Basename; say "|$_|" for fileparse("X.tar.gz", qw +{\.tgz \.tar\.gz \.gz})' |X| |./| |.tar.gz|

If all you want is the final part after the last '.', or a zero-length string if no such part exists, you can avoid the overhead, and possible frustration, of getting the patterns correct and in the right order, with simple functions which operate on strings (these are typically much faster than regexes but, in the scenario you present, I doubt that will matter much, if at all). This expression will do that for you:

substr $filename, rindex($filename, ".") + 1 || length $filename

And here it is in action, with an assortment of filenames with zero or more '.'s and with and without an actual extension.

$ perl -E ' say "oldfile\t ext \tnewfile"; say "-------\t --- \t-------"; my $newname = "edddd"; for (qw{OPQ.RST .U V. .W. X.Y Z . ..}) { my $ext = substr $_, rindex($_, ".") + 1 || length; say "$_\t|$ext|\t$newname" . (length $ext ? ".$ext" : ""); } ' oldfile ext newfile ------- --- ------- OPQ.RST |RST| edddd.RST .U |U| edddd.U V. || edddd .W. || edddd X.Y |Y| edddd.Y Z || edddd . || edddd .. || edddd

— Ken

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Re^2: rename file
by jcb (Parson) on Aug 26, 2020 at 01:26 UTC

    Now that you mention it, there is also the Apache notion of extensions, where foo.html.en.gz and foo.en.gz.html both have three extensions: en, html, and gz. This probably is not what our questioner is looking for, but this is part of a file-upload tool and it could be a security problem: Apache can recognize foo.cgi.png as a CGI script!

    The infamous examples of this were of the form foo.php.jpg. If an upload script uses the name given during upload, that will run an alleged JPEG image through PHP when it is later viewed. Remote code execution, anyone?

    For a file upload script, always store the file on the server under a machine-generated name and always ensure that the extension is derived from the Content-Type and/or inspection of the uploaded data, restricted to "safe" types and confirmed by inspecting the uploaded data. The uploaded file can be presented with any name and you cannot trust the information provided by the remote client.

      ++ All good points and good advice.

      — Ken

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