C has four required parameters. The first and second paremeters are C<$a> and C<$b> from C or C<$b> and C<$a> if you want a descending sort. The third parameter is the expression you want to split the strings by. The fourth is the type of sort you want, C or C (C). #### C has three required parameters. The first and second paremeters are C<$a> and C<$b> from C or C<$b> and C<$a> if you want a descending sort. The third parameter is the type of sort you want: C, C, C, or C (C). The fourth parameter is the expression you want to split the strings by and can be ignored for alpha (letter) sort. #### package Fancy::Sort::Split; use v5.16.0; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter qw(import); our $VERSION = '1.0'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(split_sort); sub split_sort { my ($in_a, $in_b, $sort_type, $split) = @_; if ($sort_type =~ /^(alpha|letter)/) { $in_a cmp $in_b } else { $split = qr($split); my ($numa1, $numa2) = split(/$split/, $in_a, 2); my ($numb1, $numb2) = split(/$split/, $in_b, 2); if ($sort_type =~ /^num/) { $numa1 <=> $numb1 || $numa2 <=> $numb2 } elsif (fc($sort_type) eq 'left' ) { $numa1 <=> $numb1 || $numa2 cmp $numb2 } elsif (fc($sort_type) eq 'right' ) { $numa1 cmp $numb1 || $numa2 <=> $numb2 } else { $in_a <=> $in_b } } } =pod =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME B returns the comparison expression to split the values in lists for sort. =head1 VERSION This document describes Fancy::Sort::Split version 1.0. =head1 SYNOPSIS my @numbers = qw(1:2 1:02 3:4 5:78 50:89 10:5); my @split_sorted = sort { split_sort($a, $b, 'number', ':') } @numbers; # returns # ( # '1:2', # '1:02', # '3:4', # '5:78', # '10:5', # '50:89' # ); my @left = qw(2:a 02:a 4:a 28:a 89:a 5:a); my @split_sorted_left = sort { split_sort($a, $b, 'left', ':') } @left; # returns # ( # '2:a', # '02:a', # '4:a', # '5:a', # '28:a', # '89:a' # ); my @right = qw(a:2 a:02 a:4 a:28 a:89 a:5); my @split_sorted_right = sort { split_sort($a, $b, 'right', ':') } @right; # returns # ( # 'a:2', # 'a:02', # 'a:4', # 'a:5', # 'a:28', # 'a:89' # ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Fancy::Sort::Split returns the comparison expression to split the values in lists for L subroutines using C. C is not exported by default and has to be imported into your script. use Fancy::Sort::Split qw(split_sort); C has three required parameters. The first and second paremeters are C<$a> and C<$b> from C or C<$b> and C<$a> if you want a descending sort. The third parameter is the type of sort you want: C, C, C, or C (C). The fourth parameter is the expression you want to split the strings by and can be ignored for alpha (letter) sort. split_sort($a, $b, 'type', 'expr'); A note of caution for the numerical sorts, when a number has a leading zero (C<02>), the leading zero will be dropped. So, C<02> will be the same as C<2> and will be returned in their original order. So, C and C will be sorted in that order. It requires Perl version 5.16.0 or better. =head2 Numerical sort When you have numbers on both sides of the expression, use C so the numbers on both sides are numerically sorted. split_sort($a, $b, 'number', 'expr'); =head2 Numerical sort on the left When you have numbers on the left side of the expression, use C so the numbers on the left side are numerically sorted. split_sort($a, $b, 'left', 'expr'); =head2 Numberial sort on the right When you have numbers on the right side of the expression, use C so the numbers on the right side are numerically sorted. split_sort($a, $b, 'right', 'expr'); =head2 Alphabetical sort When you have letters on both sides of the expression, use C or C. However, the alphabetical sort is redundant and was added for completeness. The sort expression returned will be the same as C<$a cmp $b> for the entire string. So, for alphabetical sorts, you may omit the expression for the split. split_sort($a, $b, 'alpha', 'expr'); split_sort($a, $b, 'letter', 'expr'); =head1 DEPENDENCIES Fancy::Sort::Split depends on L. =head1 AUTHOR Lady Aleena =cut 1;