How bad is this idea:

To my understanding, $ in a regex (without the m modifier) is equivalent to (?=\n?\z), i.e. "Match the end of the string (or before newline at the end of the string)". With Unicode, the meaning of "newline" may be extended to "Linebreak", aka \R.

Wouldn't it be nice to make $ behave as (?=\R?\z) under some pragma or flag? (Without \z when the m flag is present, of course.)

I believe this wouldn't even break much existing code. Invented for the "new" $ here.

#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.14; use warnings; use utf8; use charnames qw(:full :short); use feature 'say'; for ("noeol", "nl\n", "cr\r", "cr_nl\r\n") { my $u_chomped = s/\R//r; say "$u_chomped:"; say 'matches $' if /^\p{word}*$/; say 'matches like $' if /^\p{word}*(?=\n?\z)/; say 'matches €' if /^\p{word}*(?=\R?\z)/; say 'matches \r$' if /^\p{word}*\r$/; say 'matches \r€' if /^\p{word}*\r(?=\R?\z)/; say 'matches \r?$' if /^\p{word}*\r?$/; say 'matches \r?€' if /^\p{word}*\r?(?=\R?\z)/; /^(.*)$/; say 'captured (.*)$' if $1 eq $u_chomped; /^(.*)(?=\R?\z)/; say 'captured (.*)€' if $1 eq $u_chomped; /^(.*).$/; say 'captured (.*).$' if $1 eq $u_chomped; /^(.*).(?=\R?\z)/; say 'captured (.*).€' if $1 eq $u_chomped; say "\n"; } __DATA__ noeol: matches $ matches like $ matches € matches \r?$ matches \r?€ captured (.*)$ captured (.*)€ nl: matches $ matches like $ matches € matches \r?$ matches \r?€ captured (.*)$ captured (.*)€ cr: matches € matches \r$ matches \r€ matches \r?$ matches \r?€ captured (.*).$ captured (.*).€ cr_nl: matches € matches \r$ matches \r€ matches \r?$ matches \r?€ captured (.*).$ captured (.*).€

