in reply to HELP! I am in regex-hell

Another way. This approach uses highly factored and specific regexes to achieve a high degree of discrimination — if that's what you want! It's easy to add further, highly specialized regexes. ($section is returned as '' (empty atring) if no section is present rather than as undef.) Optional whitespace may exist between page and section sub-fields. Note that with the right pattern anchors, multiple page/section fields can be extracted from a single string/line.

c:\@Work\Perl\monks>perl -wMstrict -le "use Data::Dump qw(dd); ;; my $rx_simple = qr{ [[:alpha:]] [[:alnum:]]* (?: - [[:alnum:]]+)* }xms; my $rx_module = qr{ [[:upper:]] [[:alpha:]]* (?: :: [[:upper:]] [[:alpha:]]*)* }xms; my $rx_page = qr{ $rx_simple | $rx_module }xms; ;; my $rx_section = qr{ [(] \d* [)] }xms; ;; for my $line (qw( ftpd(8) ftpd dhcp-config(5) dhcp-config foo2 foo2(2) foo-2 Cache::Cache(3) Cache::Cache Foo::Bar::Baz(42) Foo::Bar::Baz ), 'ftpd (8)', 'dhcp-config (5)', 'Cache::Cache (3)', qw(-foo foo- %^&*@! 123 1foo foo--bar), ) { my $got_page_section = my ($page, $section) = $line =~ m{ \A ($rx_page) \s* ($rx_section?) \z }xms; ;; $page = $section = '???' unless $got_page_section; ;; print qq{'$line' -> '$page' '$section'}; } ;; my $line = 'ftpd(8) -no dhcp-config no- dhcp-config (5) -- Foo::Bar +::Baz(42) (999)'; my @pages; push @pages, [ $1, $2 ] while $line =~ m{ (?<! \S) ($rx_page) \s* ($rx_section?) (?! \S) }xmsg; dd \@pages; " 'ftpd(8)' -> 'ftpd' '(8)' 'ftpd' -> 'ftpd' '' 'dhcp-config(5)' -> 'dhcp-config' '(5)' 'dhcp-config' -> 'dhcp-config' '' 'foo2' -> 'foo2' '' 'foo2(2)' -> 'foo2' '(2)' 'foo-2' -> 'foo-2' '' 'Cache::Cache(3)' -> 'Cache::Cache' '(3)' 'Cache::Cache' -> 'Cache::Cache' '' 'Foo::Bar::Baz(42)' -> 'Foo::Bar::Baz' '(42)' 'Foo::Bar::Baz' -> 'Foo::Bar::Baz' '' 'ftpd (8)' -> 'ftpd' '(8)' 'dhcp-config (5)' -> 'dhcp-config' '(5)' 'Cache::Cache (3)' -> 'Cache::Cache' '(3)' '-foo' -> '???' '???' 'foo-' -> '???' '???' '%^&*@!' -> '???' '???' '123' -> '???' '???' '1foo' -> '???' '???' 'foo--bar' -> '???' '???' [ ["ftpd", "(8)"], ["dhcp-config", ""], ["dhcp-config", "(5)"], ["Foo::Bar::Baz", "(42)"], ]
(Update: A thorough test plan (see Test::More and friends) will give you confidence that whatever solution you choose actually will match what you want and reject what you don't want.)

Give a man a fish:  <%-{-{-{-<