in reply to incorrect methods yield success

incorrect methods yield success

Sorry, that's not really much to go on, the behavior looks correct to me. $jsonpackage->new creates a new object (in this case of type Cpanel::JSON::XS). encode is a method, but encode_json is not, but in the second call of jsonsolute, $json->$jsonefunction calls encode_json as a method, meaning that the parameters that the function encode_json sees are actually ($json, {key => 'value'}), and it doesn't know how to handle the object $json, which is of type Cpanel::JSON::XS, so it dies.

use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dump; dd jsonsolute('JSON::MaybeXS', 'encode', 'decode'); dd jsonsolute(); print "Done\n"; sub jsonsolute { my ($jsonpackage, $jsonefunction, $jsondfunction) = @_; $jsonpackage ||= 'JSON::MaybeXS'; $jsonefunction ||= 'encode_json'; $jsondfunction ||= 'decode_json'; dd $jsonpackage, $jsonefunction, $jsondfunction; if ( !defined eval "require $jsonpackage; 1" ) { die "package $jsonpackage missing\n"; } else { my $json = $jsonpackage->new(pretty => 1, canonical => 1); dd $json; my $encoded = $json->$jsonefunction({key => 'value'}); my $decoded = $json->$jsondfunction('{"key":"value"}'); dd $encoded, $decoded; return $encoded, $decoded; } } __END__ ("JSON::MaybeXS", "encode", "decode") bless(do{\(my $o = "")}, "Cpanel::JSON::XS") ("{\n \"key\" : \"value\"\n}\n", { key => "value" }) ("{\n \"key\" : \"value\"\n}\n", { key => "value" }) ("JSON::MaybeXS", "encode_json", "decode_json") bless(do{\(my $o = "")}, "Cpanel::JSON::XS") encountered type (HASH(0x52aeb6d595a8), 0x80801) was specified for 'Cp +anel::JSON::XS=SCALAR(0x52aeb6e99850)' at line 20.