in reply to Split confusion

You can't really safely apply a set of capitalization rules to a person's name. You pretty much have to take it as they write it. And when you lose that information, you can't re-generate it. How to capitalize author names describes that de, d', van, and von may not be capitalized. So James Van Den Berghe could be spelled as I have done, or it could be James van den Berghe, or there could be some other magic combination. And some names defy all conventions.

For your problem statement I would do this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my @names = ( 'VAN DEN BERGHE', 'OSWALD', 'ANDERSON', 'LLOYD-WRIGHT', ); foreach my $name (@names) { my $altered = join('', map {ucfirst(lc($_))} split /(\s+|-)/, $nam +e); print "$name => $altered\n"; }

which produces:

VAN DEN BERGHE => Van Den Berghe OSWALD => Oswald ANDERSON => Anderson LLOYD-WRIGHT => Lloyd-Wright

But that doesn't make any attempt at dealing with the nuances discussed above.
