#!/usr/bin/perl # This is the index for Collections. use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ Welcome to Lady Aleena's B, which is lists of A, A, A, A, A, and A I am willing to admit I own or use. The list of movies here is just those movies I own and should not to be confused with my more general interest in A. Tie-ins are books and music connected to movies or television series. I also share my A elsewhere. Here is a key for the notations after each title with the exception of programs.