$ pwd /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/WWW/Mechanize $ .. $ ls Mechanize Mechanize.pm $ cat Mechanize.pm | more package WWW::Mechanize; #ABSTRACT: Handy web browsing in a Perl object use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.96'; use Tie::RefHash; use HTTP::Request 1.30; use LWP::UserAgent 5.827; use HTML::Form 1.00; use HTML::TokeParser; use Scalar::Util qw(tainted); use base 'LWP::UserAgent'; #### #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use 5.010; use WWW::Mechanize::GZip; use HTML::TableExtract qw(tree); use open ':std', OUT => ':utf8'; use Prompt::Timeout; use constant TIMEOUT => 3; use constant MAXTRIES => 30; ## redesign for solar eclipse of aug 21, 2017 my $site = 'http://www.fourmilab.ch/yoursky/cities.html'; my $mech = 'WWW::Mechanize::GZip'->new; $mech->get($site); $mech->follow_link( text => 'Portland OR' ); my $before_bound = 2457987.04167; #before conjunction my $after_bound = 2457988.0; #after conjunction $mech->set_fields(qw'date 2'); my $moon_seconds = 5; my $sun_seconds = 3; my $upper = $after_bound; my $lower = $before_bound; my $equal; my $equal_sec; my $now_string = localtime; my $filename = '2.pluto.txt'; open( my $jh, '>>', $filename ) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; say $jh "Script executed at $now_string"; say $jh " attempt upper lower guess"; my $attempts = 1; while ( ( $sun_seconds != $moon_seconds ) ) { my $default = ( ( $attempts >= MAXTRIES ) ) ? 'N' : 'Y'; my $answer = prompt( "Make query number $attempts?", $default, TIMEOUT ); exit if $answer =~ /^N/i; my $guess = closetohalf( $upper, $lower ); say "to server is $attempts $upper $lower $guess "; say $jh "to server is $attempts $upper $lower $guess "; $mech->set_fields( jd => $guess ); $mech->click_button( value => "Update" ); my $te = 'HTML::TableExtract'->new; $te->parse( $mech->content ); my $table = ( $te->tables )[3]; my $table_tree = $table->tree; my $moon = $table_tree->cell( 5, 1 )->as_text; say "right ascension of moon $moon"; say $jh "right ascension of moon $moon"; my $sun = $table_tree->cell( 2, 1 )->as_text; say "right ascension of sun $sun"; say $jh "right ascension of sun $sun"; $moon_seconds = string_to_second($moon); say "moon seconds is $moon_seconds"; say $jh "moon seconds is $moon_seconds"; $sun_seconds = string_to_second($sun); say "sun seconds is $sun_seconds"; say $jh "sun seconds is $sun_seconds"; if ( $sun_seconds < $moon_seconds ) { $upper = $guess; } elsif ( $moon_seconds < $sun_seconds ) { $lower = $guess; } else { $equal = $guess; say "equal, while condition fails at julian day $equal"; say $jh "equal, while condition fails at julian day $equal"; $equal_sec = $moon_seconds; } $te->delete; $attempts++; } say $jh "equal seconds is $equal_sec"; # re-design 4-29-17 for solar eclipse sub string_to_second { my $string = shift; my $return = 9000; if ( my $success = $string =~ /^(\d*)h\s+(\d*)m\s+(\d*)s$/ ) { $return = 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3; } else { say "string was misformed"; } return $return; } sub closetohalf { my ( $up, $low ) = @_; $low + ( $up - $low ) * ( 0.4 + rand 0.2 ); } #### #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use WWW::Mechanize::Chrome; use HTML::TableExtract qw(tree); use open ':std', OUT => ':utf8'; use Prompt::Timeout; use constant TIMEOUT => 3; use constant MAXTRIES => 30; ## redesign for solar eclipse of aug 21, 2017 ### begin 2020 rewrite ### with WWW::Mechanize::Chrome ### and Log::Log4perl use Log::Log4perl; use Data::Dump; use 5.016; my $log_conf3 = "/home/hogan/Documents/hogan/logs/conf_files/3.conf"; my $log_conf4 = "/home/hogan/Documents/hogan/logs/conf_files/4.conf"; #Log::Log4perl::init($log_conf3); #debug Log::Log4perl::init($log_conf4); #info my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(); my $current_level = $logger->level(); $logger->info("script begins with $current_level"); my $a = 'b'; for my $i ( 1 .. 2 ) { say "i is $i"; $logger->info("i is $i"); my $site = 'http://www.fourmilab.ch/yoursky/cities.html'; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new( headless => 1, ); $mech->get($site); $mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Portland OR/i ); say "We are at " . $mech->uri; if ( $mech->success() ) { open my $gh, '>', "$a.form-log.txt" or warn "Couldn't open logfile $a.form-log.txt $!"; $mech->dump_forms($gh); say $gh "========="; } my $guess = 2458960; #Earth day 2020 in julian days $mech->form_number($i); say "$i works" if $mech->success(); say $mech->current_form->{name}; # ?? say "current form has a name" if $mech->success(); ## syntax that used to work with WWW::Mechanize # $mech->set_fields(qw'date 2'); #$mech->set_fields(); $mech->field( date => '2' ); ## analogs to set set_fields in WM say "first field set succeeded" if $mech->success(); $mech->field( jd => $guess ); say "second field set succeeded" if $mech->success(); $mech->click_button( value => "Update" ); # this seems similar to WM say "clickbutton succeeded" if $mech->success(); my $string = $mech->uri; $logger->info("We are at $string") if $mech->success(); ## get a screenshot of how far we made it my $page_png = $mech->content_as_png(); my $base = '/home/hogan/5.scripts/1.corion./template_stuff/aimages'; my $fn = $base . "/$a.png"; open my $fh, '>', $fn or die "Couldn't create '$fn': $!"; binmode $fh, ':raw'; print $fh $page_png; close $fh; print "exiting show_screen with letter $a\n"; my $n = 2; $logger->info("sleeping for $n seconds ===================="); $mech->sleep($n); $a++; } #### $ ./5.pluto.pl script begins with 20000 i is 1 i is 1 Connected to ws:// We are at http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Yoursky?z=1&lat=45.5183&ns=North&lon=122.676&ew=West 1 works Use of uninitialized value in say at ./5.pluto.pl line 55. current form has a name at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/WWW/Mechanize/Chrome.pm line 3779. at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/WWW/Mechanize/Chrome.pm line 3779. at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/WWW/Mechanize/Chrome.pm line 3779. 3 elements found for input with name 'date' at ./5.pluto.pl line 63. $ #### 2020/04/18 17:18:49 INFO script begins with 20000 2020/04/18 17:18:49 INFO Connected to ws:// 2020/04/18 17:24:03 INFO script begins with 20000 2020/04/18 17:24:03 INFO i is 0 2020/04/18 17:24:03 INFO Connected to ws:// 2020/04/18 17:26:33 INFO script begins with 20000 2020/04/18 17:26:33 INFO i is 1 2020/04/18 17:26:33 INFO Connected to ws:// #### [FORM] request /cgi-bin/Yoursky [INPUT (submit)] [INPUT (radio)] date [INPUT (radio)] date [INPUT (text)] utc [INPUT (radio)] date [INPUT (text)] jd [INPUT (text)] lat [INPUT (radio)] ns [INPUT (radio)] ns [INPUT (text)] lon [INPUT (radio)] ew [INPUT (radio)] ew [INPUT (checkbox)] coords [INPUT (checkbox)] moonp [INPUT (checkbox)] deep [INPUT (text)] deepm [INPUT (checkbox)] consto [INPUT (checkbox)] constn [INPUT (checkbox)] consta [INPUT (checkbox)] consts [INPUT (checkbox)] constb [INPUT (text)] limag [INPUT (checkbox)] starn [INPUT (text)] starnm [INPUT (checkbox)] starb [INPUT (text)] starbm [INPUT (checkbox)] flip [INPUT (text)] imgsize [INPUT (text)] fontscale [SELECT (select-one)] scheme [INPUT (checkbox)] edump [TEXTAREA (textarea)] elements #### $ wc -l $(locate Chrome.pm) 5761 /home/hogan/Documents/repos/wmc/WWW-Mechanize-Chrome/lib/WWW/Mechanize/Chrome.pm 5708 /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/WWW/Mechanize/Chrome.pm 11469 total $