in reply to cpanm --installdeps . cannot install Template::Toolkit

To debug this, maybe run cpanm --verbose Template::Toolkit.

From looking at the source, the file Template/ does not contain a version number at all, so this might throw up cpanm. Maybe have requires "Template" "3.006"; instead, or requires "Template-Toolkit-3.006.tar.gz" (or however cpanfile lets you specify a distribution instead of a module).

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Re^2: cpanm --installdeps . cannot install Template::Toolkit
by Skeeve (Parson) on Jan 23, 2020 at 08:43 UTC
    From looking at the source, the file Template/ does not contain a version number at all, so this might throw up cpanm.

    That would explain it.

Re^2: cpanm --installdeps . cannot install Template::Toolkit
by Skeeve (Parson) on Jan 28, 2020 at 08:22 UTC

    Brother atoomic added the version number in V 3.007.
