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Re^6: getting Log::Log4perl to install on windows strawberry perl (updated)

by Aldebaran (Curate)
on Jan 04, 2020 at 05:30 UTC ( [id://11110934]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: getting Log::Log4perl to install on windows strawberry perl (updated)
in thread getting Log::Log4perl to install on windows strawberry perl

I finally have a script that deals with the terminal and cpan opening up with the need to overwrite a lockfile. This is a grandchild of portableshell.bat that is recommended for beginning strawberry perl on windows. I have alternated between using set TERM=dumb and commenting it out. Also, I don't want the script erasing the value of PERL5LIB, so I comment that out as well.

@echo off rem set env variables rem set TERM=dumb set LINES=40 set COLUMNS=80 set PERL_JSON_BACKEND=JSON::XS set PERL_YAML_BACKEND=YAML rem avoid collisions with other perl stuff on your system rem set PERL5LIB= set PERL5OPT= set PERL_MM_OPT= set PERL_MB_OPT= perl -e "printf("""Perl executable: %%s\nPerl version : %%vd\n""", $ +^X, $^V)" 2>nul if ERRORLEVEL==1 echo.&echo FATAL ERROR: 'perl' does not work; check i +f your strawberry pack is complete! echo. chcp 65001 cd C:\Users\tblaz\Documents\evelyn\ dir cpan | echo y

Thanks all for comments.

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