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Re^7: Inputing vectors into a scrabble-esque game

by Aldebaran (Curate)
on Nov 05, 2019 at 00:50 UTC ( [id://11108317]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^6: Inputing vectors into a scrabble-esque game
in thread Inputing vectors into a scrabble-esque game

A new rule I was not aware of...

Sorry about that. It's a hard game to understand without having manipulated the tiles onesself. I have to relearn the scoring everytime I do it. I called up the gal who has the game and asked her to read parts of the instructions. The part that I think is relevant is from "scoring."

"Two or more words can be formed." "They are each counted up separately, with the common tile stack being counted separately for each word."

These scores can be the whoppers.

  • Comment on Re^7: Inputing vectors into a scrabble-esque game

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Re^8: Inputing vectors into a scrabble-esque game
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on Nov 05, 2019 at 18:14 UTC

    How's this for scoring ?

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; use Path::Tiny; use List::Util qw( shuffle uniq first sum ); $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_ }; my $n = 10; # configuration board will be $n by $n my $maxtiles = 7; my $dictionaryfile = '/usr/share/dict/words'; my $cachefilename = "words.11108138.$n"; # for caching subsets of dict +ionary sub flip # transpose one of more grids { map { (local $_, my $flipped) = ($_, ''); $flipped .= "\n" while s/^./ $flipped .= $& ; '' /gem; $flipped } @_; } my $n1 = $n + 1; my $board = ('.' x $n . "\n") x $n; my $heights = $board =~ tr/./0/r; my @dictwords; if( -f $cachefilename ) { @dictwords = split /\n/, path($cachefilename)->slurp; } else { print "caching words of max length $n\n"; @dictwords = sort { length $b <=> length $a } grep /^[a-z]{2,$n}$/, split /\n/, path($dictionaryfile)->slurp; path($cachefilename)->spew(join "\n", @dictwords, ''); } my %isword = map +($_, 1), @dictwords; my @drawpile = shuffle + # thanks to GrandFather 11108145 ('a') x 9, ('b') x 2, ('c') x 2, ('d') x 4, ('e') x 12, ('f') x 2, ('g') x 4, ('h') x 2, ('i') x 9, ('j') x 1, ('k') x 1, ('l') x 4, (' +m') x 2, ('n') x 6, ('o') x 8, ('p') x 2, ('q') x 1, ('r') x 6, ('s') x 4, (' +t') x 6, ('u') x 4, ('v') x 2, ('w') x 2, ('x') x 1, ('y') x 2, ('z') x 1 ; my @tiles = sort splice @drawpile, 0, $maxtiles; print "moves: 1 tiles: @tiles\n"; my $pat = join '', map "$_?", @tiles; my $word = first { /^[@tiles]+$/ and (join '', sort split //) =~ /^$pat$/ } @dictword +s; $word or die "no starting word can be found\n"; my $pos = $n1 * ($n >> 1) + ($n - length($word) >> 1); substr $board, $pos, length $word, $word; substr $heights, $pos, length $word, 1 x length $word; my $tiles = join '', @tiles; $tiles =~ s/$_// for split //, $word; @tiles = split //, $tiles; push @tiles, splice @drawpile, 0, $maxtiles - @tiles; my @chosen = $word; my $changed = 1; my $moves = 1; my $totalscore = (length $word == $maxtiles) * 20 + 2 * length $word; print '-' x 20, "chosen: 0 $pos $word score: $totalscore\n"; printboard(); while( @tiles ) { $heights =~ tr/5// == $n ** 2 and last; # all 5, no more play possib +le my @best; # [ flip, pos, pat, old, highs, word ] my @all = (@tiles, ' ', sort +uniq $board =~ /\w/g); $moves++; print "moves: $moves tiles: @tiles\n"; my @subdict = grep /^[@all]+$/, @dictwords; for my $flip ( 0, 1 ) { my @pat; $board =~ /(?<!\w).{2,}(?!\w)(?{ push @pat, [ $-[0], $& ] })(*FAIL +)/; @pat = map expand($_), @pat; @pat = sort { length $b->[1] <=> length $a->[1] } @pat; for ( @pat ) { my ($pos, $pat) = @$_; my $old = substr $board, $pos, length $pat; my $highs = substr $heights, $pos, length $pat; my @under = $old =~ /\w/g; my $underpat = qr/[^@under@tiles]/; my @words = grep { length $pat == length $_ && !/$underpat/ && /^$pat$/ && ( ($old ^ $_) !~ /^\0+\]$/ ) # adding just an 's' not allow +ed && matchrule( $old, $highs, $_ ) && crosswords( $pos, $_ ) } @subdict; for my $word ( @words ) { my $score = score( $board, $heights, $pos, $old, $word ); $score > $#best and $best[ $score ] //= [ $flip, $pos, $pat, $old, $highs, $word, $score ]; } } ($board, $heights) = flip $board, $heights; } if( $changed = @best ) { my ($flip, $pos, $pat, $old, $highs, $word, $score) = @{ $best[-1] + }; my $newmask = ($old ^ $word) =~ tr/\0/\xff/cr; $flip and ($board, $heights) = flip $board, $heights; substr $board, $pos, length $word, $word; substr $heights, $pos, length $highs, ($highs & $newmask) =~ tr/0-4/1-5/r | ($highs & ~$newmask); $totalscore += $score; $flip and ($board, $heights) = flip $board, $heights; my $tiles = join '', @tiles; $tiles =~ s/$_// for split //, $word & $newmask; @tiles = split //, $tiles; print '-' x 20, "chosen: $flip $pos $word score: $score\n"; push @chosen, $word; } else { my $tiles = join '', @tiles; # discard random tile $tiles =~ s/$_// and last for 'q', 'z', $tiles[rand @tiles]; @tiles = split //, $tiles; } @tiles = sort @tiles, splice @drawpile, 0, $maxtiles - @tiles; $changed and printboard(); } print "\nchosen words: @chosen\ntotalscore: $totalscore\n"; # validate all words are in the dictionary $isword{ $& } or die "$& is not a word\n" while $board =~ /\w{2,}/g; $board = flip $board; $isword{ $& } or die "$& is not a word\n" while $board =~ /\w{2,}/g; sub crosswords { my ($pos, $word) = @_; my $revboard = ''; local $_ = $board; substr($_, $pos, length $word) =~ tr//-/c; $revboard .= "\n" while s/^./ $revboard .= $& ; '' /gem; my @ch = split //, $word; while( $revboard =~ /(\w*)-(\w*)/g ) { my $check = $1 . shift(@ch) . $2; length $check > 1 && ! $isword{ $check } and return 0; } return 1; } sub score { my ($bd, $hi, $pos, $old, $word) = @_; my $len = length $word; my $mask = ( $old ^ $word ) =~ tr/\0/\xff/cr; substr $bd, $pos, $len, ( $old & ~$mask ) =~ tr/\0/-/r; my $highs = substr $hi, $pos, $len; substr $hi, $pos, $len, $highs = ( $highs & $mask ) =~ tr/0-4/1-5/r | ( $highs & ~$mask ); my $score = ($mask =~ tr/\xff// == $maxtiles) * 20 + ( $highs =~ /^1+$/ + 1 ) * sum split //, $highs; my ($rbd, $rhi) = flip $bd, $hi; my @ch = ($mask & $word) =~ /\w/g; while( $rbd =~ /(\w*)-(\w*)/g ) # find each cross word of new tile { my $rpos = $-[0]; my $rword = $1 . shift(@ch) . $2; length $rword > 1 or next; $highs = substr $rhi, $rpos, length $rword; $score += ( $highs =~ /^1+$/ + 1 ) * sum split //, $highs; } return $score; } sub printboard { my $bd = $board =~ tr/\n/-/r; $bd =~ s/-/ $_/ for $heights =~ /.*\n/g; print $bd; } sub matchrule { my ($old, $highs, $word) = @_; $old eq $word and return 0; my $newmask = ($old ^ $word) =~ tr/\0/\xff/cr; ($newmask & $highs) =~ tr/5// and return 0; my $tiles = "@tiles"; $tiles =~ s/$_// or return 0 for ($newmask & $word) =~ /\w/g; return 1; } sub expand # change patterns with several letters to several single le +tter pats { my @ans; my ($pos, $pat) = @{ shift() }; push @ans, [ $pos, $` =~ tr//./cr . $& . $' =~ tr//./cr ] while $pat =~ /\w/g; return @ans; }

      It seems to me that you've streamlined the logic in the scoring and it had the effect of looking more for words that were going to clump the graph together, which is pleasing aesthetically. I've run it several times and am very encouraged by the possibilities. To my eye, the scoring for the individual words looks right, but I can't quite follow the logic of the $totalscore. It's going to have to change dramatically in a game with more than one player. With other players, then the logic of who runs out of tiles and and then who gets 5 points deducted per tile can fall better into place

      Meanwhile, I've just gotten termux to have enough tools to build the rest of the perl tool chain. I'll regroup and present new challenges in a new thread.

      I'm so pleased with the result of this thread that I don't want to jimmy with it much. Thank you.

        Here's a multiplayer version of the game. Put players names as arguments on the command line. Ending the game on "player out of tiles" or "all players pass" is now implemented, as well as deducting points for unused tiles. Players running score is shown after the score for the play.

        $totalscore was put in out of curiosity. It's gone now.

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