# https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1214227 use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use PDL; use PDL::Parallel::threads qw(retrieve_pdls); use threads; use MCE::Shared; use Time::HiRes 'time'; srand( 123 ); my $time = time; my $n = 30000; # input sample size my $m = 10000; # number of bootstrap repeats my $r = $n; # re-sample size my $x = random( $n ); $x->share_as('x'); my $avg = zeroes( $m ); $avg->share_as('avg'); my $seq = MCE::Shared->sequence( 0, $m - 1 ); sub parallel_task { srand; my ( $x, $avg ) = retrieve_pdls('x', 'avg'); while ( defined ( my $seq_n = $seq->next() ) ) { my $idx = random $r; $idx *= $n; $avg->set( $seq_n, $x->index( $idx )->avg ); } } threads->create( \¶llel_task ) for 1 .. 4; # ... do other stuff ... $_->join() for threads->list(); say $avg->pctover( pdl 0.05, 0.95 ); say time - $time, ' seconds'; __END__ # Output [0.49395242 0.49936752] 1.28744792938232 seconds #### # https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1214227 use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use PDL; # must load PDL before MCE::Shared use MCE::Hobo; use MCE::Shared 1.847; use Time::HiRes 'time'; srand( 123 ); my $time = time; my $n = 30000; # input sample size my $m = 10000; # number of bootstrap repeats my $r = $n; # re-sample size # On Windows, the non-shared piddle ($x) is unblessed in threads. # Therefore, constructing the piddle inside the worker. # UNIX platforms benefit from copy-on-write. Thus, one copy. my $x = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) ? undef : random( $n ); my $avg = MCE::Shared->pdl_zeroes( $m ); my $seq = MCE::Shared->sequence( 0, $m - 1 ); sub parallel_task { $x = random( $n ) unless ( defined $x ); while ( defined ( my $seq_n = $seq->next() ) ) { my $idx = random $r; $idx *= $n; # $avg is a shared piddle which resides inside the shared- # manager process or thread. The piddle is accessible via the # OO interface only. $avg->set( $seq_n, $x->index( $idx )->avg ); } } MCE::Hobo->create( \¶llel_task ) for 1 .. 4; # ... do other stuff ... MCE::Hobo->wait_all(); # MCE sets the seed of the base generator uniquely between workers. # Unfortunately, it requires running with one worker for predictable # results (i.e. no guarantee in the order which worker computes the # next input chunk). say $avg->pctover( pdl 0.05, 0.95 ); say time - $time, ' seconds'; __END__ # Output [0.49387191 0.49937053] 1.29038286209106 seconds