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Re^13: How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?

by jcb (Parson)
on Aug 28, 2019 at 23:25 UTC ( [id://11105193]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^12: How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?
in thread How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?

The key motivation for independent iterator objects is that they allow the program to have multiple iterators even on the same category by removing the need for the File::Collector object to track the iterators.

These "bundles" look a lot like independent iterators, and you could easily introduce an ->all method that returns a special object like so:

(in File::Collector::Iterator)

sub all { my $self = shift; bless \ $self, 'File::Collector::Iterator::All'; } { package File::Collector::Iterator::All; sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $self = shift; $$self->$AUTOLOAD(@_) while ($$self->next_file); } }

This allows subclasses of File::Collector::Iterator to define their own "bundle actions" invokable as $iterator->all->$action. For example, a subclass that adds a delete action could contain simply:

sub delete { unlink (shift)->selected_file }

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Re^14: How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?
by nysus (Parson) on Aug 28, 2019 at 23:42 UTC

    "The key motivation for independent iterator objects is that they allow the program to have multiple iterators even on the same category by removing the need for the File::Collector object to track the iterators."

    Yes, but there is a big convenience to having File::Collector track the iterators, isn't there? I can call $s->selected_file from anywhere and refer to the same file from any of the various class methods. I don't have to worry about passing the iterator objects around. Or am I missing something?

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      You seem to be missing that you can put all of the "action" methods that your subclasses add onto File::Collector in the subclasses of File::Collector::Iterator instead.

      This gives a better-separated design, where subclasses of File::Collector add categories and subclasses of File::Collector::Iterator add actions. This way, File::Collector is more of a passive data store, while the iterator subclasses perform actions, using a Model/Controller pattern.

        Well, I played around with this some more. I got it working but it makes the code a lot uglier. For example, here's what I have to generate nested iterators now:

        my $it1 = $fp->next_parseable_file; while (my $file1 = $it1->next) { print $fp->short_name($file1) . "\n"; my $it2 = $fp->next_nonparseable_file; while (my $file2 = $it2->next) { print $fp->short_name($file2) . "\n"; } }

        Whereas before, I just had:

        while ($fp->next_parseable_file) { print $fp->short_name . "\n"; while ($fp->next_nonparseable_file) { print $fp->short_name . "\n"; } }

        The iterators now have to be created separately from the while loop. And I'm stuck passing around the $file to the short_name method.

        I get that having the separation in logic the way you describe is probably more ideal from a logical perspective. But maybe this is a case where some rules should be broken? I don't have enough experience to say. Or maybe there is some trickery I could invoke to get the best of both worlds?

        $PM = "Perl Monk's";
        $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
        $nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
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        Ok, I think I might be on to something good...or it could be colossally stupid, I'm not sure which. If I could indulge your attention for a little bit more, I'd appreciate it.

        So check this out:

        # prints out short name of all "txt-files" $da->bundle_txt_files->do->print_short_names;

        And here is the iterator built using your suggestions (I changed the "all" method name to "do," which seemed to make more sense):

        package File::Collector::Iterator ; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Log::Log4perl::Shortcuts qw(:all); my $collector; # private package variable for storing the Fi +le::Collector sub print_short_names { my $s = shift; print $collector->{files}{$s->selected_file}{short_path} . "\n"; # + uses the File::Collector object to look up short path } sub new { my $class = shift; $collector = shift; # new gets passed the $collector from File: +:Collector AUTOLOAD bless [@_], $class; } sub next { my $self = shift; shift @$self; return $self->[0]; } sub selected_file { (shift)->[0] } # do method of executing methods on child classes sub do { my $self = shift; bless \$self, 'File::Collector::Iterator::All'; } { package File::Collector::Iterator::All; use Log::Log4perl::Shortcuts qw(:all); sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $self = shift; my @method = split /::/, $AUTOLOAD; my $method = pop @method; $$self->$method(@_) while ($$self->next); } }

        What do you think? Is this a good solution?

        $PM = "Perl Monk's";
        $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
        $nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
        Click here if you love Perl Monks

        OK, I think I see what you are saying. I will play with it some more tomorrow when I'm fresh. Thanks.

        $PM = "Perl Monk's";
        $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
        $nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
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Re^14: How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?
by nysus (Parson) on Aug 29, 2019 at 00:06 UTC

    I'll give a concrete example to make clear what I mean:

    package FileParser; use parent qw ( Dondley::WestfieldVote::FileCollector ); sub get_data { my $s = shift; return $s->get_obj_prop('data', 'raw_data', $_[0]); } package FileCollector; sub get_obj_prop { my $s = shift; my $obj = shift; my $prop = shift; my $file = shift || $s->selected_file; # grabs the current file in +iterator if (!$prop || !$obj || !$file) { $s->_croak ("Missing arguments to get_obj_prop method" . ' at ' . (caller(0))[1] . ', line ' . (caller(0))[2] ); } my $o = $obj . '_obj'; my $object = $s->{_files}{$file}{$o}; my $attr = "_$prop"; if (! exists $object->{$attr} ) { $s->croak ("Non-existent $obj object attribute requested: '$prop'" . ' at ' . (caller(0))[1] . ', line ' . (caller(0))[2] ); } my $value = $object->{$attr}; if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { return @$value; } else { return $value; } } package sub new { my $class = shift; my $data = shift; my $obj = bless { _raw_data => $data, # raw Spreadsheet::Read object _stripped_data => undef, _num_rows => undef, _cols => undef, _num_cols => undef, _non_blank_cols => undef, _first_row => undef, }, $class; return $obj; } # And finally, in a file: my $fp = FileParser->new('some/dir'); while ($fp->next_parseable_file) { my $data = $fp->get_data; }

    This seems super convenient. If I'm not using an iterator, I can just pass a file to the get_data() method.

    $PM = "Perl Monk's";
    $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
    $nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
    Click here if you love Perl Monks

      With the "bundle" model and a slight modification, that last loop becomes:

      foreach my $data ($fp->bundle_parseable_files->all->get_data) { # do something with each $data }

      The AUTOLOAD in File::Collector::Iterator::All is slightly different:

      sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $self = shift; my @result = (); if (defined wantarray) { push @result, $$self->$AUTOLOAD(@_) while ($$self->next_file) +} else { $$self->$AUTOLOAD(@_) while ($$self->next_file) } return wantarray ? @result : \@result; }
Re^14: How to completely destroy class attributes with Test::Most?
by nysus (Parson) on Aug 29, 2019 at 20:15 UTC

    That code for using the bundle did not work but this did:

    { package File::Collector::Iterator::All; sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $self = shift; my @method = split /::/, $AUTOLOAD; my $method = pop @method; $$self->$method(@_) while ($$self->next); } }

    $PM = "Perl Monk's";
    $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon Curate Priest Vicar";
    $nysus = $PM . ' ' . $MCF;
    Click here if you love Perl Monks

      I see the problem, too: $AUTOLOAD gets the fully-qualified method name, which can be used, but a call with that name will not find inherited methods.

      If performance is an issue, you might want to benchmark that solution against:

      { package File::Collector::Iterator::All; sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $self = shift; my $method = ($AUTOLOAD =~ m/::([^:]+)$/); $$self->$method(@_) while ($$self->next); } }

      I do not know enough to predict which should be faster.

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