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Re^4: Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?

by LanX (Saint)
on May 15, 2019 at 16:47 UTC ( [id://11100029]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?
in thread Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?

The average line size of the old format like demonstrated by the OP's code is ~ 14 characters + newline

90 bits need 11.25 bytes per line.

Not that much of a big win.

Cheers Rolf
(addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
Wikisyntax for the Monastery FootballPerl is like chess, only without the dice

  • Comment on Re^4: Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?

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Re^5: Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on May 15, 2019 at 17:42 UTC

    I just modified my 54 bits/line solution to do base 50 math like you suggested to get 51 bits/line.

    It does work --- but ---it is SLOW!!!

    #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; use bignum; my @legal = grep !/11/ && tr/1// <= 3, glob '{0,1}' x 8; my %code; @code{@legal} = 0 .. $#legal; my %decode = reverse %code; $_ = [ split ' ', '23456789' & tr/01/ ?/r ] for values %decode; sub tobits { my $n = shift; my $bits = ''; $bits = $n % 2 . $bits, $n >>= 1 for 1 .. 51; $bits; } sub tonum { my $n = 0; $n = 2 * $n + $_ for split //, shift; $n; } #print tobits(42), "\n"; #exit; sub compress { my $coded = ''; for ( shift =~ /(.*)\n/g ) { my @lookup = (0) x 123; @lookup[ unpack 'C*', $_ ] = (1) x length; my $n = 0; for( my $group = 35; $group < 123; $group += 10 ) { $n = $n * 50 + $code{ join '', @lookup[$group .. $group + 7] }; } # print "$n\n"; $coded .= tobits($n); } return pack 'b*', $coded; } sub decompress { my $decoded = ''; for my $line ( unpack('b*', shift) =~ /.{51}/g ) { my $n = tonum($line); # print "$n\n"; my $digit = 8; for( my $group = 33; $group < 123; $group += 10 ) { $decoded .= pack 'C*', map $group + $_, @{ $decode{ int $n / 50 ** $digit % 50 } }; $digit--; } $decoded .= "\n"; } return $decoded; } my $input = ''; for (1 .. 80) { for (my $x=0; $x<90; $x+=10) { my @c; push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); @c = sort{$a<=>$b}@c; for (my $i = 1; $i < @c; $i++) { $input .= chr(33+$c[$i]) if $c[$i] != $c[$i-1] && $c[$i] != $c[$ +i-1]+1; } } $input .= "\n"; } #use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd $_ for $input =~ /.*\n/g; print "\n input length ", length $input, "\n"; my $compressed = compress($input); my $compressedlength = length $compressed; print "compressed length $compressedlength\n"; my $restored = decompress($compressed); if( $input eq $restored ) { printf "\nMatched, compression ratio = %.1f%%\n", 100 * (1 - length($compressed) / length($restored)); } else { print "----------------------------------------failed\n"; use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd $_ for $restored =~ /.*\n/g; }
      Hi thanks. :)

      I'm not surprised, I expected a trade off of speed and compression.

      But look at the bright side,  BUK owes you (or Roboticus?) a dinner now. ;)

      Honestly if I really needed it I'd rather try to precompute 9 look up tables.

      But at this point I'd most probably just try Huffman coding with a single table and even higher compression.

      Cheers Rolf
      (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
      Wikisyntax for the Monastery FootballPerl is like chess, only without the dice

        > But at this point I'd most probably just try Huffman coding with a single table and even higher compression.

        Or maybe not, I just tried to calculate the Huffman codes, and the resulting extra win is only at 5% more.

        use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump qw/pp dd/; # my @freq = qw/5 7 10 15 20 45/; # my $sym = "1"; # my @tree = map { [ $_ => $sym++ ] } @freq; my %freq = ( "" => 592, "2" => 74, "24" => 60, "246" => 24, "247" => 24, "248" => 24, "249" => 24, "25" => 84, "257" => 24, "258" => 24, "259" => 24, "26" => 84, "268" => 24, "269" => 24, "27" => 84, "279" => 24, "28" => 84, "29" => 60, "3" => 208, "35" => 144, "357" => 48, "358" => 48, "359" => 48, "36" => 192, "368" => 48, "369" => 48, "37" => 192, "379" => 48, "38" => 192, "39" => 144, "4" => 366, "46" => 228, "468" => 72, "469" => 72, "47" => 300, "479" => 72, "48" => 300, "49" => 228, "5" => 524, "57" => 312, "579" => 96, "58" => 408, "59" => 312, "6" => 682, "68" => 396, "69" => 396, "7" => 840, "79" => 336, "8" => 830, "9" => 508, ); my @tree = map { [ $freq{$_} => $_ ] } keys %freq; #warn pp \@tree; #exit; while ( @tree > 1 ) { @tree = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @tree; my $left = shift @tree; my $right = shift @tree; unshift @tree, [ ($left->[0] + $right->[0]) => [ $left, $right ] + ]; } #warn pp \@tree; my %huff; create_code($tree[0],""); #warn pp \%huff; my $avr = 0; $avr += $freq{$_} * length($huff{$_}) / 10000 for keys %freq; my $classic = log(50)/log(2); my $old=0; $old += $freq{$_} * length($_) * 8 / 10000 for keys %freq; $old += 8/9 ; # \n warn pp { "old" => $old, "line" => $old*9/8 . " bytes", "huff average" => $avr , "classic length" => $classic , "huff win" => $avr/$old*100 ." %", "classic win" => $classic/$old*100 ." %", }; sub create_code { my ($node,$code) = @_; my $sym = $node->[1]; if ( ref $sym ) { create_code( $sym->[0], $code."0" ); create_code( $sym->[1], $code."1" ); } else { $huff{$sym} = $code; } }

        Bits needed per group:

        { "classic length" => 5.64385618977472, "classic win" => "42.155801598081 %", "huff average" => 4.9824, "huff win" => "37.215169703086 %", "line" => "15.0616 bytes", "old" => 13.3880888888889, } at d:/exp/ line 98.


        OTOH does the Huffman with ~5 bits/group need 1/6 less than you did with 6 bits/group (the 54 bit/line solution)

        Depends on the POV I think! :)

        FWIW here the Huffman code

        { "" => "0110", "2" => 1001000, "24" => "0101000", "246" => 101111110, "247" => 101111011, "248" => 101111010, "249" => 110010100, "25" => 1001010, "257" => 101111001, "258" => 101111101, "259" => 101111000, "26" => 1011100, "268" => 101111100, "269" => 101111111, "27" => 1001011, "279" => 110010101, "28" => 1001001, "29" => 11101011, "3" => 111011, "35" => "010111", "357" => 11001011, "358" => 11001001, "359" => 10111011, "36" => 110000, "368" => 11101010, "369" => 10111010, "37" => 110001, "379" => 11001000, "38" => 110011, "39" => "010110", "4" => 10110, "46" => "00100", "468" => "0101011", "469" => "0101010", "47" => "01110", "479" => "0101001", "48" => "01111", "49" => "00101", "5" => "0100", "57" => 10000, "579" => 1110100, "58" => 11100, "59" => 10001, "6" => 1010, "68" => 11011, "69" => 11010, "7" => "000", "79" => 10011, "8" => 1111, "9" => "0011", } at d:/exp/ line 83.

        Cheers Rolf
        (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
        Wikisyntax for the Monastery FootballPerl is like chess, only without the dice

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