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Re: Re: Re: Comparing hashes and arrays

by Anarion (Hermit)
on Sep 06, 2001 at 22:02 UTC ( [id://110671]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Comparing hashes and arrays
in thread Comparing hashes and arrays

Your code has now an error, that mine has not, if the second value is null.
If the second value is null the re doesn't match and $2 is the one of the match before.
Sorry i dont read that bbfu has fixed it adding ?



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Re: Re: Re: Re: Comparing hashes and arrays
by Sifmole (Chaplain) on Sep 06, 2001 at 22:53 UTC
    Did you actually run it before you told me it was wrong?

    If the second value is null as in something like

    __DATA__ name1 4.5 name3 name5 6.5 name4 -7.9 name6 3.2
    The the entire pattern will not match since the second value is required according to the regex. Also, a simple test of adding a print statement during the match will educate you that the $1 and $2 are not carried over.
    Run this to see...
    my @order = qw(name1 name2 name3 name4 name5 name6); map{/(\S+)\s+(-?[\d.]+)/;$a{$1}=$2?$2:'';print "$1 -- $2 \n";}<DATA>; map{push(@result,defined $a{$_} ? $a{$_} : 999)}@order; print join("\n", @result),"\n"; __DATA__ name1 4.5 name3 name5 6.5 name4 -7.9 name6 3.2
    Notice the added print line will show you that $1 and $2 are empty, not the previous values.

    So, to conclude -- actually running it would have shown you that there was no error.

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