craigt has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm comparing 2 file date time stamps to decide if 1st file is newer than the file in the staging areas. The copy works correctly if I comment out the stat 9 test.
sub cftsain { my ($xxfn1, $xxfn2) = @_; my @dd = (); $dd[7] = 0; $dd[8] = 0; if ( defined (( stat "$xxfn1" )[9]) ) { $dd[7] = (( stat "$xxfn1" )[9]); } if ( defined (( stat "$xxfn2" )[9]) ) { $dd[8] = (( stat "$xxfn2" )[9]); } # Copy the image file if not there or changed. $dd[0] = 0; if (!-e $xxfn2) { copy "$xxfn1", "$xxfn2"; } else { # Database image is newer than staging space image. if ( (( stat "$xxfn1" )[9]) > (( stat "$xxfn2" )[9]) ) { #if ( -M "$xxfn1" > -M "$xxfn2" ) { copy "$xxfn1", "$xxfn2"; $dd[0] = 1; } } $dd[1] = $xxfn1; $dd[2] = $xxfn2; $dd[3] = (( stat "$xxfn1" )[9]); $dd[4] = (( stat "$xxfn2" )[9]); my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($d +d[3]); $year = $year+1900; $mon = $mon+1; $dd[5] = $sec.' '.$min.' '.$hour.' '.$mday.' '.$mon.' '.$year.' '.$wda +y.' '.$yday; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($dd[ +4]); $year = $year+1900; $mon = $mon+1; $dd[6] = $sec.' '.$min.' '.$hour.' '.$mday.' '.$mon.' '.$year.' '.$wda +y.' '.$yday; $dd[9] = -M $xxfn1; $dd[10] = -M $xxfn2; if ( index(lc($xxfn1),'ky2.gif') > -1 ) { out_exclusive('c:/usr/www/test.txt', @dd); } }
Results are

C:/Steep/USA Data/State/KY/ky2.GIF
55 57 11 3 11 2014 1 306
55 57 11 3 11 2014 1 306

The 2nd file has the same stat 9 as the first. The 2nd should be 11/2.

I did try the -M and the test failed with the 2 large negative numbers (???) that are the same. I also tried the defined tests at the top of the subroutine and captured the stat 9 values if defined. They were defined and are the same. Also, I do use strict and -w flag.

Original code restored below by GrandFather

sub cftsain { my ($xxfn1, $xxfn2) = @_; my @dd = (); # Copy the image file if not there or changed. $dd[0] = 0; if (!-e $xxfn2) { copy "$xxfn1", "$xxfn2"; } else { # Database image newer than staging space image. if ( ( stat "$xxfn1" )[9] > ( stat "$xxfn2" )[9] ) { copy "$xxfn1", "$xxfn2"; $dd[0] = 1; } } $dd[1] = $xxfn1; $dd[2] = $xxfn2; $dd[3] = ( stat "$xxfn1" )[9]; $dd[4] = ( stat "$xxfn2" )[9]; my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($d +d[3]); $year = $year+1900; $mon = $mon+1; $dd[5] = $sec.' '.$min.' '.$hour.' '.$mday.' '.$mon.' '.$year.' '.$wda +y.' '.$yday; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($dd[ +4]); $year = $year+1900; $mon = $mon+1; $dd[6] = $sec.' '.$min.' '.$hour.' '.$mday.' '.$mon.' '.$year.' '.$wda +y.' '.$yday; if ( index(lc($xxfn1),'ky2.gif') > -1 ) { out_exclusive('c:/usr/www/test.txt', @dd); } }