$number=1234567; # with commas, should be "1,234,567" $number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(\D|$))/$1\,/g; #### $number='1234567890.01'; $number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(\D|$))/$1\,/g; #### $number='1234567890.0123456789'; # with commas, should be "1,234,567,890.01 $number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(\D|$))/$1\,/g; #### $number='1234567890'; # with commas, should be "1,234,567,890.01 $number .= '.' if ($number !~ /\./); # Make sure we end with a decimal if we don't have a decimal $number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3},?)+(\.))/$1\,/g; chop $number if ($number =~ /\.$/); # Get rid of that useless trailing decimal print "N $number \n"; $number='1234567890.01234567687'; # with commas, should be "1,234,567,890.01 $number .= '.' if ($number !~ /\./);# Make sure we end with a decimal if we don't have a decimal $number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3},?)+(\.))/$1\,/g; chop $number if ($number =~ /\.$/); # Get rid of that useless trailing decimal print "N $number \n";