in reply to Re^4: Speeds vs functionality
in thread Speeds vs functionality

Text::CSV_PP is able to parse that text, at least in UTF-8.

use v5.12;
use warnings;
use utf8::all;
use Text::CSV_PP;

my $csv = Text::CSV_PP->new ( 
    { binary      => 1 , 
      quote_char  => '🎥' ,
      escape_char => '🎥' ,
      sep_char    => '🎬'  } )
  or die "Cannot use CSV_PP: "
   .Text::CSV_PP->error_diag ();

my @rows;
my $fh = *DATA;
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
         push @rows, $row;
$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
for ( @rows ) {
    printf("%-25s%s\n", $_->[0], $_->[4]);
🎥12 Years a Slave🎥🎬2013🎬3🎬9🎬🎥🎥🎥 Steve McQueen🎥
🎥Argo🎥🎬2012🎬3🎬7🎬🎥🎥🎥 Ben Affleck🎥
🎥The Artist🎥🎬2012🎬5🎬10🎬🎥🎥🎥 Michel Hazanavicius🎥
🎥The King's Speech🎥🎬2010🎬4🎬12🎬🎥🎥🎥 Tom Hooper🎥
🎥The Hurt Locker🎥🎬2009🎬6🎬9🎬🎥🎥🎥 Kathryn Bigelow🎥
🎥Slumdog Millionaire🎥🎬2008🎬8🎬10🎬🎥🎥🎥 Danny Boyle🎥
🎥No Country for Old Men🎥🎬2007🎬4🎬8🎬🎥🎥🎥 Joel Coen 🎥🎥 Ethan Coen🎥
🎥The Departed🎥🎬2006🎬4🎬5🎬🎥🎥🎥 Martin Scorsese🎥


Film                     Director
12 Years a Slave         🎥 Steve McQueen
Argo                     🎥 Ben Affleck
The Artist               🎥 Michel Hazanavicius
The King's Speech        🎥 Tom Hooper
The Hurt Locker          🎥 Kathryn Bigelow
Slumdog Millionaire      🎥 Danny Boyle
No Country for Old Men   🎥 Joel Coen 🎥 Ethan Coen
The Departed             🎥 Martin Scorsese