in reply to My favorite superfluous repetitious redundant duplicative phrase is:

Not sure it's favourite, but I always thought that, in the context of future ways of working, 'going forwards' is one of the most annoying.

A user level that continues to overstate my experience :-))
  • Comment on Re: My favorite superfluous repetitious redundant duplicative phrase is:

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Re^2: My favorite superfluous repetitious redundant duplicative phrase is:
by chacham (Prior) on Jul 16, 2014 at 11:50 UTC

    going forward

    Isn't the term the non-redundant "moving forward?"

      I don't believe it is a non-redundant term since, as far as ways of working/lessons learned etc., are concerned, there can be no going back - hence going forward is redundancy from this PoV.

      A user level that continues to overstate my experience :-))

        I guess i don't see it as redundant since the term reinforces the context. Similar to a complete answer which repeats part of the question.

        For example: Did you go to the store today? Yes, i went to the store today.

        Whereas everything past the word "yes" is redundant (save the period), it is considered proper English to complete the phrase.

        If my supervisor were to ask me within the context os a "Moving Forward" session, "Which way are we moving?" The appropriate answer would be "We are moving forward" and not just "forward."

        Though, it could be English is inherently redundant. :)