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Re: Reg Expression Question

by clemburg (Curate)
on Aug 31, 2001 at 12:02 UTC ( [id://109318]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Reg Expression Question

H:\>perldoc -q switch > switch.txt H:\>cat switch.txt Found in d:\Perl\activeperl522\lib\pod\perlfaq7.pod How do I create a switch or case statement? This is explained in more depth in the the perlsyn manpage. Briefly, there's no official case statement, because of the variety of tests possible in Perl (numeric comparison, string comparison, glob comparison, regexp matching, overloaded comparisons, ...). Larry couldn't decide how best to do this, so he left it out, even though it's been on the wish list since perl1. The general answer is to write a construct like this: for ($variable_to_test) { if (/pat1/) { } # do something elsif (/pat2/) { } # do something else elsif (/pat3/) { } # do something else else { } # default } Here's a simple example of a switch based on pattern matching, this time lined up in a way to make it look more like a switch statement. We'll do a multi-way conditional based on the type of reference stored in $whatchamacallit: SWITCH: for (ref $whatchamacallit) { /^$/ && die "not a reference"; /SCALAR/ && do { print_scalar($$ref); last SWITCH; }; /ARRAY/ && do { print_array(@$ref); last SWITCH; }; /HASH/ && do { print_hash(%$ref); last SWITCH; }; /CODE/ && do { warn "can't print function + ref"; last SWITCH; }; # DEFAULT warn "User defined type skipped"; } See `perlsyn/"Basic BLOCKs and Switch Statements"' for many other examples in this style. Sometimes you should change the positions of the constant and the variable. For example, let's say you wanted to test which of many answers you were given, but in a case-insensitive way that also allows abbreviations. You can use the following technique if the strings all start with different characters, or if you want to arrange the matches so that one takes precedence over another, as `"SEND"' has precedence over `"STOP"' here: chomp($answer = <>); if ("SEND" =~ /^\Q$answer/i) { print "Action is se +nd\n" } elsif ("STOP" =~ /^\Q$answer/i) { print "Action is st +op\n" } elsif ("ABORT" =~ /^\Q$answer/i) { print "Action is ab +ort\n" } elsif ("LIST" =~ /^\Q$answer/i) { print "Action is li +st\n" } elsif ("EDIT" =~ /^\Q$answer/i) { print "Action is ed +it\n" } A totally different approach is to create a hash of function references. my %commands = ( "happy" => \&joy, "sad", => \&sullen, "done" => sub { die "See ya!" }, "mad" => \&angry, ); print "How are you? "; chomp($string = <STDIN>); if ($commands{$string}) { $commands{$string}->(); } else { print "No such command: $string\n"; }

Christian Lemburg
Brainbench MVP for Perl

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Re: Re: Reg Expression Question
by Kevman (Pilgrim) on Aug 31, 2001 at 12:07 UTC
    I know how to create a switch statement, but I wanted a quick one liner.
    I have tried BlakeM's solution and it works admirably
    so I'll go with that thanks.

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