# I always start my script with these two lines. # They prevent you from making various mistakes # and make debugging a whole lot easier. use strict; use warnings; # Regular expressions have the tendency to become long # strings of near-undecipherable line noise. To avoid # that, I usually like to split them up in smaller # logical chunks. # In this case, I'd write one regex to capture the # file names and one regex to capture percentages. my $title_re = qr/.*\.(?:c|cpp|h)/; my $percent_re = qr/(?:\d+\.\d+% of \d+|None)/; # Next thing is to combine them into a single # regex to match the input against. # I use the /x modifier so that I can use # white space and comments inside the tegex. my $line_re = qr/ ($title_re) \s+ # Match and capture file names, match whitespace ($percent_re) \s+ # Match and capture Percent2, match non-data ($percent_re) # Match and capture Percent3 /x; ; # Read and discard the first line, as this contains non-data. # Read input line by line, cut off newline # characters from the end. while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; # Match input against the regex, capture # the stuff into separate variables. # I mean, I find a "$title" much more # comprehensible than "$match[0]". my ($title, $percent2, $percent3) = $line =~ $line_re; print "$line\n"; print "Title: $title\n"; print "Percent2: $percent2\n"; print "Percent3: $percent3\n"; print "\n"; } __DATA__ Title Percent2 Percent3 test1.cpp 0.00% of 21 0.00% of 16 test2.c None 16.53% of 484 test3.h 0.00% of 138 None