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Re: Optimizing a naive clustering algorithm

by roboticus (Chancellor)
on Apr 16, 2014 at 00:40 UTC ( [id://1082411]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Optimizing a naive clustering algorithm


I've played around with your code a bit for fun. In one version, I used RichardK's suggestion, and gave a bit of a speedup. (I never let it run to completion, and each iteration gets slower and slower....). I then added caching so you don't need to compare the same pair of hashes more than once. That gave a significant speedup.

I then tried oiskuu's suggestion of building a half triangular distance matrix, and made a slightly different distance check, and it was able to cluster 1700 items of 5-100 words in about 25 minutes. (I didn't pay much attention to the word lengths, I just randomly selected a population of words from the dictionary.) I'm kind of curious about what results other monks'll get.

The final program is this bit:

#!/usr/bin/perl # # a clustering algorithm # use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; $|=1; my $begin = time; my $items; my %cache; my $arr_cnt; srand(0); build_items(1700, 5, 100, 10000); #build_items(500, 5, 50, 2500); # Build cache my $difference = 9999; #Arbitrary large number for my $i ( 0 .. $#$items-1 ) { my $d1 = $items->[$i]; for my $j ( $i+1 .. $#$items ) { my $d2 = $items->[$j]; my $diff = max_diff( $d1, $d2 ); } } my $cur = time - $begin; print "cache built, $cur s\n"; # Build stitch list: i.e. list of things to tie together, by ordering +the cache by distance my @stitch; for my $k1 (keys %cache) { for my $k2 (keys %{$cache{$k1}}) { push @stitch, [ $k1, $k2, $cache{$k1}{$k2} ]; } } @stitch = sort { $a->[2]<=>$b->[2] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] c +mp $b->[1] } @stitch; $cur = time - $begin; print "stitch list built, $cur s\n"; # build the clusters my %clusters; my %sretsulc; my $clust_cnt=0; for my $idx (0 .. $#stitch) { my ($k1, $k2, $d) = @{$stitch[$idx]}; my $fl='N'; my ($cl1, $cl2, $msg); $cl1 = $sretsulc{$k1} if exists $sretsulc{$k1}; $cl2 = $sretsulc{$k1} if exists $sretsulc{$k2}; if (!defined $cl1) { # Remove one special case, leaving: CL+CL, CL+K, K+K ($k1, $k2, $cl1, $cl2) = ($k2, $k1, $cl2, $cl1); $fl='Y'; } $msg = "$idx: Distance $d ($k1 <-$fl-> $k2) "; if (defined $cl1 and defined $cl2) { if ($cl1 eq $cl2) { #print "\t$k1 and $k2 are in same cluster ($cl1)\n"; next; } $msg .= "\tJoining $cl1 ($k1) and $cl2 ($k2)"; ++$clust_cnt; my $cl3 = "clust $clust_cnt"; $clusters{$cl3}{L} = $cl1; $clusters{$cl3}{R} = $cl2; $clusters{$cl1}{P} = $cl3; $clusters{$cl2}{P} = $cl3; my $size=0; for my $k (keys %sretsulc) { my $cl = $sretsulc{$k}; if ($cl eq $cl1 or $cl eq $cl2) { $sretsulc{$k} = $cl3; ++$size; } } $msg .= " new cluster: $size items"; } elsif (defined $cl1) { # build new cluster of cl1 and k2 ++$clust_cnt; my $cl3 = "clust $clust_cnt"; $msg .= "\tjoining $cl1 and $k2 into $cl3"; $clusters{$cl3}{L} = $cl1; $clusters{$cl3}{R} = $k2; $clusters{$cl1}{P} = $cl3; my $size=0; for my $k (keys %sretsulc) { my $cl = $sretsulc{$k}; if ($cl eq $cl1) { $sretsulc{$k} = $cl3; ++$size; } } $sretsulc{$k2}=$cl3; ++$size; $msg .= " new cluster: $size items"; } else { # Two unclustered items ++$clust_cnt; my $cl3 = "clust $clust_cnt"; $msg .= "\tjoining $k1 and $k2 into $cl3"; $clusters{$cl3}{L} = $k1; $clusters{$cl3}{R} = $k2; $sretsulc{$k1}=$cl3; $sretsulc{$k2}=$cl3; } print $msg, "\n"; } $cur = time - $begin; print "clusters built, $cur s\n"; sub merge { my( $x, $y ) = @_; # Both non-clusters if( ref $x eq 'HASH' and ref $y eq 'HASH' ) { ++$arr_cnt; print "\tmerging hashes $x->{name} and $y->{name} into <arr $a +rr_cnt>\n"; return [$x,$y, "arr $arr_cnt" ]; } # $x cluster elsif( ref $x eq 'ARRAY' and ref $y eq 'HASH' ) { ++$arr_cnt; print "\tmerging $x->[2] and $y->{name} into <arr $arr_cnt>\n" +; return [$x,$y, "arr $arr_cnt" ]; } # $y cluster elsif( ref $x eq 'HASH' and ref $y eq 'ARRAY' ) { ++$arr_cnt; print "\tmerging $x->{name} and $y->[2] into <arr $arr_cnt>\n" +; return [$y,$x, "arr $arr_cnt" ]; } elsif( ref $x eq 'ARRAY' and ref $y eq 'ARRAY' ) { ++$arr_cnt; print "\tmerging $x->[2] and $y->[2] into <arr $arr_cnt>\n"; return [$x,$y, "arr $arr_cnt" ]; } else { die "Wtf? $x $y"; } } sub max_diff { my( $d1, $d2 ) = @_; if( ref $d1 eq 'HASH' and ref $d2 eq 'HASH' ) { my ($name1,$name2) = ($d1->{name}, $d2->{name}); ($name1,$name2) = ($name1 lt $name2) ? ($name1, $name2) : ($na +me2, $name1); if (exists $cache{$name1}{$name2}) { return $cache{$name1}{$name2}; } my $t=0; for (keys %{$d1->{words}}) { ++$t if ! exists $d2->{words}{$_} + } for (keys %{$d2->{words}}) { ++$t if ! exists $d1->{words}{$_} + } $cache{$name1}{$name2} = $t; return $t; } elsif( ref $d1 eq 'ARRAY' and ref $d2 eq 'HASH' ) { my $x = max_diff( $d1->[0], $d2 ); my $y = max_diff( $d1->[1], $d2 ); return $x > $y ? $x : $y; } elsif( ref $d1 eq 'HASH' and ref $d2 eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $x = max_diff( $d2->[0], $d1 ); my $y = max_diff( $d2->[1], $d1 ); return $x > $y ? $x : $y; } elsif( ref $d1 eq 'ARRAY' and ref $d2 eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $x = max_diff( $d1->[0], $d2->[0] ); my $y = max_diff( $d1->[1], $d2->[1] ); my $xx = max_diff( $d1->[0], $d2->[1] ); my $yy = max_diff( $d1->[1], $d2->[0] ); return max( $x, $y, $xx, $yy ); } else { die "Wtffffff $d1 $d2"; } } sub max { my ($ret, @t) = @_; for (@t) { $ret = $_ if $_ > $ret; } return $ret; } sub build_items { # Build an array of $num_items, where each item is $it_min - $it_m +ax distinct (non-dup) words my ($num_items, $it_min, $it_max, $num_words) = @_; $num_words = $it_min * $num_items if ! defined $num_words; # Read the dictionary my @words; { my %words; open my $FH, '<', '/etc/dictionaries-common/words'; while (<$FH>) { s/\s+$//; next if /'s$/; $words{$_}=0; } @words = keys %words; } print "Dictionary had ", scalar(@words), " words\n"; # Make a list of words { my %dict; while (keys %dict < $num_words) { my $idx = int(rand()*@words); $dict{$words[$idx]}=0; $words[$idx] = pop @words; } @words = keys %dict; print "Trimmed dictionary had ", scalar(@words), " words\n"; } for my $it_idx (0 .. $num_items-1) { my %item_words; my $it_cnt = $it_min + int(rand()*($it_max-$it_min)); for (1 .. $it_cnt) { $item_words{$words[int rand()*@words]}=0; } $$items[$it_idx] = { words => { map { $_=>0 } keys %item_words }, name => "item $it_idx", }; } }

If you use your original code between the "build clusters" through "clusters built" with code below, then you should have the version with caching (more or less).


When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

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Re^2: Optimizing a naive clustering algorithm
by BUU (Prior) on Apr 16, 2014 at 05:58 UTC
    Wow, that's pretty impressive. I'm going to have to study it for a while.


      You'll want to figure out how to compute a good distance metric, as it's definitely not the same one you used any longer. You were using the maximum difference between nodes, and I clustered them by proximity, as described in the paper.


      When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

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