1: Not a particularly useful program, but I had an assignment
   2: a while back in a class to write a program in the language
   3: of our choice to count the words in a text file, and print
   4: out the 10 most commonly used words.  It's not very fast,
   5: not very efficient, etc., but was fun to write.  After
   6: beating the program around for a while, I managed to get
   7: it down to:
   9: (Updated: removed unnecessary assignment to %a.  Thanks merlyn)
  10: perl -na0777e 'map {++$a{$_}} @F; print join("\n", (sort { $a{$b} <=> $a{$a} } keys %a)[0..9]), "\n"' <filename>
  12: And after all that, I didn't even get a very good grade.