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Threads::Shared MultiLevel Hash and the Invalid value for Shared Scalar Error

by DFass (Initiate)
on Jan 16, 2014 at 15:50 UTC ( [id://1070818]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

DFass has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Ok...I've read up on the relevant postings here and elsewhere, and thought I got a handle on getting a locked, shared, thread to work. I know about the auto vivification trickery. But, I guess not...

It fails on the :unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}){ line.

Here's what I have, so far...the relevant bits:

use strict; use warnings; use threads; use Thread::Queue qw(); use threads::shared; use DBIx::Connector; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility; use Date::Simple qw(:all); use Date::Range; use Data::DumpXML qw(dump_xml); use HomeSharing qw(:all); use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /; sub setup_data($$%) { my $conn; my $currentyear; my $dataref :shared; my %data :shared; ( $conn, $currentyear, %data ) = @_; #my %data = %{$dataref}; my @CountiesList; @CountiesList = get_countiesList_multi($conn); push( @CountiesList, "OOC" ); my $loop; my $monthloop; #my $now=Date::Simple->new(); #my $currentyear0 = $now->year; my $id; for ( $loop = 1984 ; $loop <= $currentyear+1 ; $loop++ ) { #print "\nYear:$loop\t"; for ( $monthloop = 1 ; $monthloop <= 12 ; $monthloop++ ) { $id = $loop . "-" . $monthloop; unless (exists ($data{$id})){ my %a :shared; $data{$id}=\%a; } #print "\tMonth:$monthloop\n"; $data{$id}{"Hours"} = 0; $data{$id}{"InitialSeekers"} = 0; $data{$id}{"InitialProviders"} = 0; $data{$id}{"SharedLivingInterviews"} = 0; $data{$id}{"SeekerInterviews"} = 0; $data{$id}{"ProviderInterviews"} = 0; foreach my $county (@CountiesList) { #my $id = $loop."-".$monthloop; #print "\t\t\t$county"; unless (exists ($data{$id})){ my %a :shared; $data{$id}=\%a; } unless (exists $data{$id}{$county}){ my %a :shared; $data{$id}{$county}=\%a; } $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesStarted"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesEnded"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesTotal"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"ClientsStarted"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"ClientsEnded"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"HouseholdsProviders"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"HouseholdsSeekers"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"Households"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"ClientsTotal"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesPeopleStarted"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesPeopleEnded"} = 0; $data{$id}{$county}{"MatchesPeopleTotal"} = 0; } ## end foreach my $county (@CountiesList...) } ## end for ( $monthloop = 1 ; ...) } ## end for ( $loop = 1984 ; $loop...) return %data; } ## end sub setup_data($$%) sub do_matches($$$$){ my $conn; my $maxFN; my $currentyear; my $dataref :shared; ( $conn, $maxFN, $currentyear, $dataref ) = @_; my $lastyear = $currentyear - 1; my $q = Thread::Queue->new(); my $num_workers = 25; my $num_work_units = $maxFN; # my %data = $$dataref; # Create workers my @workers; for (1..$num_workers) { push @workers, async { while (defined(my $unit = $q->dequeue())) { print("$unit\n"); my $stm2 = $conn->dbh->prepare( "SELECT FILENO,P_MUNCIPAL,MUNCIPALIT," . " STATE,ZIP,DATE_MATCH,DATE_ENDED, TOTAL_NUM" . " FROM MATCH WHERE (FILENO=?)" ); $stm2->execute($unit); $stm2->bind_columns( \my ( $fn, $where, $where2, $state, $zip, + $datem, $datee, $tn ) ); while ( $stm2->fetch ) { print "\tDoing $fn...\n\n"; lock($dataref); my $whichco = ""; my $whichco2 = ""; $whichco = get_county_multi( $conn, $where, $state, $zip, +1, $where2 ); $tn += 0; print "For File:$fn\nWhere = $where / $where2\n"; print "\tMatched = $datem \t Ended=$datee\n"; print "\tCounty = $whichco\tPeople = $tn\n\n"; print F "For File:$fn\nWhere = $where / $where2\n"; print F "\tMatched = $datem \t Ended=$datee\n"; print F "\tCounty = $whichco\tPeople = $tn \n\n"; my $startd = HomeSharing::convert_date( $datem, ymd( 1983, + 12, 31 ) ); my $endd = HomeSharing::convert_date( $datee, ymd( $curr +entyear + 1, 12, 31 ) ); print "Start = $startd\tEnd = $endd\n"; my $sid = $startd->year . "-" . $startd->month; my $eid = $endd->year . "-" . $endd->month; print "SID:$sid\tEID:$eid\n"; print F "SID:$sid\tEID:$eid\n"; unless (exists ($$dataref{$sid})){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}=\%a; } unless (exists ($$dataref{$eid})){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$eid}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{"ALL"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted" +}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesPeopleSt +arted"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesStart +ed"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesStarted"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopl +eStarted"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopleStarted"}= +\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesEnded"}) +{ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesEnded"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesPeopleEn +ded"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesEnded"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}{"MatchesEnded +"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesEnded"}=\%a; } unless (exists $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopl +eEnded"}){ my %a :shared; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopleEnded"}=\% +a; } $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted"}++; $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesPeopleStarted"} += $tn; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopleStarted"} += $tn; $$dataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesStarted"}++; $$dataref{$eid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesEnded"}++; $$dataref{$eid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesPeopleEnded"} += $tn; $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}{"MatchesPeopleEnded"} += $tn; $$dataref{$eid}{$whichco}{"MatchesEnded"}++; print F "\n=============\nData:\n"; print F "For $sid Matches Started Data[All] = " . $$datare +f{$sid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted"} . "\n"; print F "For $sid Matches Started Data[$whichco] = " . $$d +ataref{$sid}{$whichco}{"MatchesStarted"} . "\n"; print F "For $eid Matches Ended Data[All] = " . $$dataref{ +$eid}{"ALL"}{"MatchesEnded"} . "\n"; print F "For $eid Matches Ended Data[$whichco] = " . $$dat +aref{$eid}{$whichco}{"MatchesEnded"} . "\n"; #print F "DataCheck::Hours: " . $$dataref{$sid}{"Hours"} . + "\n"; print F "================\n\n"; } ## end while ( $stm2->fetch ) } }; } # Create work for (1..$num_work_units) { $q->enqueue($_); } # Tell workers they are no longer needed. $q->enqueue(undef) for @workers; # Wait for workers to end $_->join() for @workers; # return %data; } ## end sub do_matches($$$%) #-------------------------# # Main # #-------------------------# if ( -e "StatsAuto.xls" ) { unlink "StatsAuto.xls"; print "Excel File Deleted\n"; } ## end if ( -e "StatsAuto.xls"...) open( F, ">StatsDebug.txt" ) || die "Debug 1 failed"; open( G, ">StatsDebug2.txt" ) || die "Debug 2 failed"; my $workbook; #Excel Workbook my $worksheet; #Excel Worksheet my $conn_hs; #HomeSharing Database my $conn_stats; #Stats Database my $now = Date::Simple->new(); my $currentyear = $now->year; my $lastyear = $currentyear - 1; my $currentmonth = $now->month; my $Fudge = 0; if ( $Fudge == 1 ) { $currentyear = 2012; $lastyear = 2011; $currentmonth = 12; } ## end if ( $Fudge == 1 ) my %data :shared; my $MaxFN; my $MaxPS; my $today2; my $id; my $county; my $subkey1; my $subkey2; my ( %ranges, %monthlyranges ) = setup_ranges($currentyear); ( $workbook, $worksheet ) = setup_excel(); ( $conn_hs, $conn_stats ) = setup_databases(); my @CountiesList = get_countiesList_multi($conn_hs); ( %ranges, %monthlyranges ) = setup_ranges($currentyear); %data = setup_data( $conn_hs, $currentyear, %data ); print G "\nAfter Setup\n----------------------\n"; print_data($conn_hs,%data); do_hours( $conn_stats, $currentyear, \%data ); print G "\nAfter Hours\n----------------------\n"; print_data($conn_hs,%data); $MaxFN = get_MaxFN_multi($conn_hs) + 0; $MaxPS = get_MaxPS_multi($conn_hs) + 0; print "MaxFN = $MaxFN\tMaxPS = $MaxPS\n\n"; #( $today2, my %data2 ) = do_NOS( $conn_hs, $MaxFN, $currentyear, $cur +rentmonth, \%ranges, \%data ); do_matches( $conn_hs, $MaxFN, $currentyear, \%data ); print "\n\n"; print G "After Matches\n-------------------------------------------\n" +; print_data( $conn_hs, %data ); #do_clients( $conn_hs, $MaxPS, $currentyear, \%data ); #print G "After Clients\n-------------------------------------------\n +"; #print_data( $conn_hs, %data ); #do_calculate_data( $conn_hs, $currentyear, \%data ); #print G "After Calculate\n------------------------------------------- +\n"; #print_data( $conn_hs, \%data ); print "Excellizing...\n"; excelize_data( $conn_hs, $currentyear, $today2, $workbook, $worksheet, + %data ); #$a = dump_xml(%data); #print G "$a\n"; print "Done\n"; close(F); close(G);

Which begs the 'obvious' question of what's going wrong and how to fix it. I would like to be able to multithread it.

It works fine as an unthreaded program -- just, when you're dealing with 1500 match entries and 14,200 client entries -- it just takes a long time to process.

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Re: Threads::Shared MultiLevel Hash and the Invalid value for Shared Scalar Error
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Jan 16, 2014 at 17:03 UTC

    What do you think that unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}){ is testing?

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      It SHOULD be testing the next level of the %data hash, passed by reference.

      It OUGHT to be already Shared, but, since I know that there is the auto-vivication trap in the module...thus, the test.

      The hash has 3 sub-hashes: ID (the year-month), COUNTY (either ALL, OOC, or a County name, and the VARIABLE...

      So e.g. it'd be $$dataref{"2013-1"}{"ALL"}{"MatchesStarted"}

        Wow. I did some work on this a month ago, but I doubt I still have the file in which I did it. I assumed you weren't coming back and probably ditched it. I sure don't relish recreating what I did :(

        But, since you've now answered the first question, try this one.

        What do you mean by "It fails on the :unless (exists $$dataref{$sid}{"ALL"}){ line."?

        Issues a warning? Dies with an error? Crashes with a core dump? Get bored and goes home?

        With the rise and rise of 'Social' network sites: 'Computers are making people easier to use everyday'
        Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
        "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
        In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.

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