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Parsing hash reference as argument for subroutine

by madM (Beadle)
on Jan 06, 2014 at 11:27 UTC ( [id://1069485]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

madM has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, I´m trying to pass a matrix reference as argument to a printmatrix subroutine.. unfortunately without succes.. the matrix was stored in the variable $matrix={} as a hash of hashes $matrix->{$key}->{$value}; here´s what i have done.. any suggestions?
sub Matrix { foreach my $key (@aminos){ foreach my $key2 (@aminos){ $matrix->{$key}->{$key2}= $ratesfromfreq->{$key}->{$key2}* +$factor; } $matrix->{$key}->{$key} += (1-$factor); } sub printMatrix1 { my $matrix2; ($matrix2) = @_; foreach my $key (sort keys %$matrix2){ print $key." "x2; foreach my $key2 (sort keys %{$matrix2->{$key}}){ printf("%.5f ", $matrix2->{$key}->{$key2}); } print "\n"x2; } } my $P= Matrix(); printMatrix($P);

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Parsing hash reference as argument for subroutine
by choroba (Cardinal) on Jan 06, 2014 at 11:48 UTC
    I added use strict; use warnings; and fixed the reported problems. I also added some whitespace to make the code more readable and populated some variables to get any output:
    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my @aminos = qw(a b c); my $matrix; my $ratesfromfreq = {a => {a => 2, b => 1, c => 3}, b => {a => 3, b => 2, c => 4}, c => {a => .4, b => .3, c => .1}}; my $factor = .2; sub Matrix { for my $key (@aminos) { for my $key2 (@aminos) { $matrix->{$key}{$key2} = $ratesfromfreq->{$key}{$key2} * $ +factor; } $matrix->{$key}{$key} += (1 - $factor); } return $matrix; } sub printMatrix1 { my $matrix2; ($matrix2) = @_; for my $key (sort keys %$matrix2) { print $key . " " x 2; for my $key2 (sort keys %{ $matrix2->{$key}} ) { printf '%.5f ', $matrix2->{$key}{$key2}; } print "\n" x 2; } } my $P= Matrix(); printMatrix1($P);


    a 1.20000 0.20000 0.60000 b 0.60000 1.20000 0.80000 c 0.08000 0.06000 0.82000
    لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
Re: Parsing hash reference as argument for subroutine
by Eily (Monsignor) on Jan 06, 2014 at 11:54 UTC

    You should use strict and warnings, it would have helped you avoid some trouble.

    $matrix is not declared, you should have a my $matrix = {}; at the beginning of the function. This function does not return $matrix. But then again, there are three { block opener but only two } block ends, this doesn't even compile.

    To see what's inside a nested data structure (like a hash of hashes), you can use Data::Dumper like this :

    use Data::Dumper; #At the top of the file ... print Dumper $P;

    And at last, you probably want to read perldsc

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