in reply to Variable number of foreach loops

Non-recursive solution

For completeness, here's a solution that does not use a recursive subroutine:

sub nested_foreach(&@) { my $code = shift; my @indices = map { 0 } @_; # First set of indices is all zeroes my @sizes = map { scalar @$_ } @_; # Cache array sizes (optional) my $k; do { # Determine the array elements corresponding to the current set # of indices, and pass them to the closure: $code->( map { $_[$_][$indices[$_]] } 0..$#_ ); # Determine the next set of indices: for ($k = $#_; $k >= 0; $k--) { $indices[$k]++; if ($indices[$k] < $sizes[$k]) { last; } else { $indices[$k] = 0; } } # If $k went out-of-bounds, there are no more valid iterations: } while ($k >= 0); } my @a = ...; my @b = ...; my @c = ...; nested_foreach { say join ' ', @_ } \@a, \@b, \@c;

The "Determine the next set of indices" step may seem a little complicated at first sight, but it becomes more intuitive if you think of the @indices array as an integer number (with each element representing a digit), and imagine that we want to "increment" that "number" by 1. It's not a decimal (i.e. base-10) number, but rather one where each digit can have a different base (i.e. the sizes of the input arrays) - but that doesn't really change anything.

Incrementing the "number" by 1 works just like the integer addition (here with an addend of 1) that you were taught back in primary school: Start with the right-most digit; increment it; if it's still within the valid range of digits then you're done; if instead it went above the limit then wrap it around to zero, "carry the one", and repeat the same steps with the next digit to the left.


Performance comparison

Interestingly, my iterative solution seems to be significantly slower than BrowserUK's recursive solution, at least when running on my PC and with various different numbers/sizes of input arrays I tried:

sub nested_foreach(&@) { ... # see above } sub nForX(&@) { ... # see BrowserUK's post } # my @size = (500, 900); # my @size = (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); my @size = (100, 4, 75, 23); my @AoA = map { [map { chr($_+64) x int(rand(10)) } 1 .. $_] } @size; cmpthese -10, { iterative => sub { nested_foreach { join("", @_) } @AoA }, recursive => sub { nForX { join("", @_) } scalar @AoA, @AoA }, };
s/iter iterative recursive iterative 1.86 -- -71% recursive 0.532 249% --