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Re^2: Perl 5 Optimizing Compiler, Part 9: & The Low-Magic Perl Commandments

by Will_the_Chill (Pilgrim)
on Nov 18, 2013 at 16:50 UTC ( [id://1063160]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Perl 5 Optimizing Compiler, Part 9: & The Low-Magic Perl Commandments
in thread Perl 5 Optimizing Compiler, Part 9: & The Low-Magic Perl Commandments


You are correct, I expect a majority of projects utilizing RPerl will be new, rather than de-magicifying existing projects. The existing projects which are in critical need of a speed boost will have the option to upgrade their code to utilize the RPerl compiler.

I never asserted that the commandments-as-a-whole lead to less buggy code. The only time the words "bug" or "buggy" appear are in commandments 4 & 5:

LMPC #4. Thou Shalt Use Hard Work To Create Robust, Effective, Bug-Free, High-Quality Code That Serves A Real Need

LMPC #5. Thou Shalt Not Use Laziness To Create Fragile, Ineffective, Buggy, Low-Quality Code That Just Saves Labor

The exhortation to write non-buggy code is given in these 2 commandments, which is different than asserting one will write bug-free code by following all 64 commandments.

Also, I never said that the commandments-as-a-whole lead to more readable code. The exhortation to write clear code is given in 4 more commandments, also in the "Ideals" section like the don't-write-buggy-code commandments above:

LMPC #2. Thou Shalt Use Perl Best Practices (“perlcritic –brutal” & “perltidy -pbp”) & Idiomatic Programming

LMPC #3. Thou Shalt Not Use Cleverness, Obfuscation, Golf, Or Non-PBP Code, Except As Officially Stated Herein

LMPC #8. Thou Shalt Use Humility To Create Maintainable, Re-Grokkable Code That Serves The Greater Good

LMPC #9. Thou Shalt Not Use Hubris To Create Unmaintainable, Incomprehensible Code That Just Impresses People

So again, the idea of write-clear-code is given in the above 4 commandments, which is different than asserting one will write clearer code by following all 64 commandments.

Which leads us to the important question: what is the point of The Low-Magic Perl Commandments, then???

The purpose is to write low-magic code that can be made to run fast. Nothing more, nothing less.

If any of the commandments are unclear, then please help me out so I can make them more grokkable.


~ Will the Chill
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