in reply to Women Programmers, Sex, Tai Chi and Reincarnation

Hey Buddy, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't say I'm "undersexed". I know nobody wants to hear the details, so I'll spare you, but I have a fiance that can look past the taped glasses, pocket protector and suspendors.

Maybe instead of conforming to a Superficial, Discriminatory society, we should work on a work environment that people don't have to worry so much about how they look, as if they can actually do their job.

But Hell, why would that matter, I'd rather have a nice perty lady to look at instead of somebody competent enough to get the job done.

my $name = 'Ben Kittrell'; $name=~s/^(.+)\s(.).+$/\L$1$2/g; my $nick = 'tha' . $name . 'sta';
Give Me a Dollar!