in reply to How to test all TT2 tags are escaped.

I just realized I didn't answer the question directly. Here is a solution doing what you asked for. It does use some of the deep internals of the Alloy op tree though (so beware). But with a little more tweaking it would be a fine precommit hook - and then you could keep using your existing template system.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Template::Alloy; my $file = \ << 'EOF'; [% foo_is_not_filtered %] [% foo_is_filtered | html %] [% IF foo %] [% bar %] [% END %] [% foo_is_none | none %] [% BLOCK some_block %] [% block_var %] [% END %] EOF my $ta = Template::Alloy->new; my $doc = $ta->load_template($file); my $checker; $checker = sub { my $ref = shift; return if ! ref $ref; foreach my $node (@$ref) { next if ! ref $node; if ($node->[0] eq 'GET' && $node->[1] =~ /^\d+/) { my $expr = $node->[3]; next if ! ref $expr; my $info = $ta->node_info($node); if (@$expr < 5 || $expr->[-3] ne '|') { print "File \"$info->{'file'}\" line $info->{'line'}: +No filtering ($info->{'text'})\n"; } else { next if $expr->[-2] ne 'none'; # comment out to note e +very filter print "File \"$info->{'file'}\" line $info->{'line'}: +Used $expr->[-2] filter ($info->{'text'})\n"; } } $checker->($_) for @$node; } }; local $ta->{'_component'} = $doc; $checker->($doc->{'_tree'}); File "input text" line 8: No filtering (block_var) File "input text" line 1: No filtering (foo_is_not_filtered) File "input text" line 4: No filtering (bar) File "input text" line 6: Used none filter (foo_is_none | none)

Update: If there was demand for it, I could certainly look into making this more of a first class method as part of the standard Template::Alloy distribution. Then it could more easily be reused by anybody speaking TT dialects using any TT or TA module.
my @a=qw(random brilliant braindead); print $a[rand(@a)];