use Template::Alloy; my $t = Template::Alloy->new(AUTO_FILTER=>"html"); $t->process(\qq{[% foo %]\n}, {foo => "(&)"})' (&) #### AUTO_FILTER Can be the name of any filter. Default undef. Any variable returned by a GET directive (including implicit GET) will be passed to the named filter. This configuration option may also be passed to the CONFIG directive. # with AUTO_FILTER => 'html' [% f = "&"; GET f %] prints & [% f = "&"; f %] prints & (implicit GET) If a variable already has another filter applied the AUTO_FILTER is not applied. The "none" scalar virtual method has been added to allow for using variables without reapplying filters. # with AUTO_FILTER => 'html' [% f = "&"; f | none %] prints & [% f = "&"; g = f; g %] prints & [% f = "&"; g = f; g | none %] prints & (because g = f is a SET directive) [% f = "&"; g = GET f; g | none %] prints & (because the actual GET directive was called)