The 'Cool users for Perl' is a little intimidating for this snippet..
I was writing a program with the strictly use of core modules only and i was thinking to add the log functionality.

I looked at Log4Perl and wow... what a suit of features!I decided to try replicate some features: first the multiplexing of the output.

To use this you need to declare two hashes: the first is for handlers. It contains as key as you wont. Every key contains a three elements array: the glob of an already opened filehandle, the error level for this handler, and an anounymous sub to compose the final logline for this handler. Theese subs will receive two elements: the level and the message (ERROR, 'Cannot read').

The second hash is a dispatch table that merely filter unwanted message for a particular handler.

The small sub do an ugly cut on the incoming message and call some code for each handler defined.

As good side note you can change the level of an handler at runtime.

Comments and improvement welcome.

#!perl use strict; use warnings; $|++; # open some FH you'll use, handler 0 now is the already opened STDOUT open (LOG, '>','log-multiple-output.log') || die; open (BIGLOG, '>>','biglog.log') || die; # handlers: GLOB, LEVEL, COMPOSITION SUB receiving $lvl, $msg my %loghdl = ( 0 => [ *STDOUT, 'ERROR', sub{ return $_[0]."> $_[1]\n"}, ], 1 => [ *LOG, 'INFO', sub{my(undef, undef, $line) = caller(2); return $_[0].">".(scalar localtime(time)).' "'.$_[1].'" lin +e '.$line."\n"}], 2 => [ *BIGLOG, 'ERROR', sub{my(undef, undef, $line) = caller(2); return $_[0].">".(scalar localtime(time)).' "'.$_[1].'" lin +e '.$line."\n"}], ); # the filters declaration my %wanted =( DEBUG => sub { my ($to,$dbglvl,$action) = (shift,shift,s +hift); grep (/$dbglvl/,qw(DEBUG)) ? print $to $ac +tion->(@_) : 0; }, INFO => sub { my ($to,$dbglvl,$action) = (shift,shift,sh +ift); grep (/$dbglvl/,qw(DEBUG INFO)) ? print $t +o $action->(@_) : 0; }, WARNING => sub { my ($to,$dbglvl,$action) = (shift,shift,sh +ift); grep (/$dbglvl/,qw(DEBUG INFO WARNING)) ? +print $to $action->(@_) : 0; }, ERROR => sub { my ($to,$dbglvl,$action) = (shift,shift,s +hift); grep (/$dbglvl/,qw(DEBUG INFO WARNING ERRO +R)) ? print $to $action->(@_) : 0; }, FATAL => sub { my ($to,$dbglvl,$action) = (shift,shift,s +hift); grep (/$dbglvl/,qw(DEBUG INFO WARNING ERRO +R FATAL)) ? print $to $action->(@_) : 0; }, ); ## the sub cut the head of the incoming string sub ulog { my $msg = shift; chomp $msg; (my $cmd = $msg)=~s/\s+.*//g; $msg=~s/^$cmd\s+//; $cmd = uc $cmd; foreach my $hdl (sort keys %loghdl) { exists $wanted{$cmd} ? $wanted{$cmd}->( @{$loghdl{$hdl}},$cmd,$msg) : print {$loghdl{$hdl}->[0]} 'Unknown logevel>'.lc ($cmd).' '.( +lc ($cmd) eq $msg ? '' : $msg)."\n"; } } #EXAMPLE of use ulog 'Eccolo qui'; ulog ('DEBUG debbuuuugga'); ulog ('Debug debbuuuugga'); ulog ('INFO infohere'); ulog ('WARNING warn!! you are not authorized'); ulog ('ERROR unable to read'); ulog ('FATAL cannot find Perl..'); print "\nchanging lvl to debug..\n\n"; $loghdl{0}->[1]='DEBUG'; ulog 'eccolo qui'; ulog ('DEBUG debbuuuugga'); ulog ('debug debbuuuugga'); ulog ('INFO infohere'); ulog ('WARNING warn!! you are not authorized'); ulog ('ERROR unable to read'); ulog ('FATAL cannot find Perl..');
I hope someone can find this useful.

There are no rules, there are no thumbs..
Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.