in reply to Re^2: db content dump (tickers)
in thread db content dump

Yes. Thanks.

Sadly, the fact that that node is of type "superdoc" rather than "sitefaqlet" makes it much harder to find than it really should be (a surprisingly large number of accidents of implementation combine to contribute to that problem). I suspected that was part of my difficulty and so hoped to find a link to it from one of the sitefaqlets, but didn't find such either. Though, I now see that such a link is trying to hide in a tiny font at the top of the translation that I linked to.

A new sitefaqlet on "downloading" that includes such a link might be a good idea. I'd also like to see PerlMonks Syndication expanded a bit (including that specific link) and just more "see also" cross-linking of sitefaqlets in general.

It'd also be nice for super search to know how to search sitedoclets (something quite different from a sitefaqlet). But I doubt any member of pmdev will get around to that any time soon, for various reasonable reasons.

- tye