in reply to Restrict encoding of std streams to lexical scope

Good question. The only solution I was able to think of uses the "dup" of the handles and a callback. You can add the & prototype to save yourself from typing (sub  ) every time.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature 'say'; sub encoding { my $code = shift; open my $STORE_STDOUT, '>&STDOUT' or die $!; binmode STDOUT, 'encoding(UTF-8)'; $code->(); open STDOUT, '>&', $STORE_STDOUT or die $!; } my $utf8 = "\x{3bc}\x{1fc6}\x{3bd}\x{3b9}\x{3bd}"; say 'A:', $utf8; encoding(sub { # Here, no warning is issued. say 'B:', $utf8; }); # End of scope, STDOUT is no longer affected. say 'C:', $utf8;
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