uPdate scott.emp set ename='SCT%',emp_date=TO_DATE('04/16/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),empno='15645' WHERE dept=20 and ename IN(select ename from emp where empno='1111'); #### Incomplete SET clause! at ./post_audit.pl line 173 Incomplete SET clause! at ./post_audit.pl line 173 #### +12 use SQL::Parser; +34 my $statement = "uPdate scott.emp set ename='SCT%',emp_date=TO_DATE('04/16/2011 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),empno='15645' WHERE dept=20 and ename IN(select ename from emp where empno='1111')"; +172 my $parser = SQL::Parser->new('AnyData', {RaiseError=>1} ); +173 $parser->parse($statement); #### sub SET_CLAUSE_LIST { my ( $self, $set_string ) = @_; my @sets = split( /,/, $set_string ); my ( @cols, @vals ); for my $set (@sets) { my ( $col, $val ) = split( m/ = /, $set ); return $self->do_err('Incomplete SET clause!') unless ( defined($col) && defined($val) ); push( @cols, $col ); push( @vals, $val ); } return undef unless ( $self->{struct}->{column_defs} = $self->ROW_VALUE_LIST( join ',', @cols ) ); return undef unless ( $self->LITERAL_LIST( join ',', @vals ) ); return 1; }