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Re: (Golf) Let's go bowling

by tachyon (Chancellor)
on Aug 08, 2001 at 21:54 UTC ( [id://103134]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (Golf) Let's go bowling

I don't know if my logic is wrong but I get a score of 162. I havn't bothered to obfuscate it and print out a score sheet to show the frame by frame results.

my @b = ('5', '/', '6', '3', 'X', 'X', '7', '0', '4', '3', 'X', '4', '/', '8', '1', '3', '/', '6'); print "Frame tog ball score total\n"; print score(@b),"\n\n"; print "Frame tog ball score total\n"; print score(('X')x12); sub score { $i=0;$f=1;$t=1;$score=0; for (@_) { last if $f>10; if(/X/) { $s=10+n($_[$i+1])+n($_[$i+2]); $t=1 } elsif(/\//) { $s=10+n($_[$i+1]); $t=1 } else { $s=$_; $t^=1 # flip the toggle with XOR } $score+=$s; printf "%2d %d %s %2d %3d\n",$f, $t, $_, $s, $scor +e; $t&&$f++; # count the frames $i++; } sub n{$v=pop;$v=~/[X\/]/?10:$v} return $score } __END__ Frame tog ball score total 1 0 5 5 5 1 1 / 16 21 2 0 6 6 27 2 1 3 3 30 3 1 X 27 57 4 1 X 17 74 5 0 7 7 81 5 1 0 0 81 6 0 4 4 85 6 1 3 3 88 7 1 X 24 112 8 0 4 4 116 8 1 / 18 134 9 0 8 8 142 9 1 1 1 143 10 0 3 3 146 10 1 / 16 162 162 Frame tog ball score total 1 1 X 30 30 2 1 X 30 60 3 1 X 30 90 4 1 X 30 120 5 1 X 30 150 6 1 X 30 180 7 1 X 30 210 8 1 X 30 240 9 1 X 30 270 10 1 X 30 300 300

Did I miss something?




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Re: Re: (Golf) Let's go bowling
by nardo (Friar) on Aug 08, 2001 at 22:04 UTC
    One reason you're getting a higher score is because you aren't dealing with spares correctly. Look at the score after the first frame, it's 21 which is impossible for a spare frame. When a frame is a spare, you count the first ball twice because the ten pins that you assign a '/' includes the pins knocked down with the first ball which you already counted (i.e. I knock down 5 pins then another 5 pins for a spare -- you count 5 pins and another 10 pins for the spare which is wrong).

      So what is the score after the first frame? Do you ignore the 5 and say it is 10+6=16?




        Yes, the score for the first frame is 16.

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