use strict; use warnings; use feature qw/say/; =pod Block sub is basically syntactic sugar for taking an anonymous sub {} and returning it. Blessing it with "Block" facilitates syntax checks. =cut sub b(&) { my $c_block=shift; bless $c_block, "Block"; return $c_block; } =pod "yield" uses a little know trick to access the @_ of the caller. It checks the last argument of the caller, if its a ref blessed to "Block" and calls it with the own arguments. Note: Ruby allows mixing normal arguments and blocks, as long as the block is in the last position. When using & prototypes in Perl like in C only the first block can be passed w/o leading sub. =cut sub yield { package DB; my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine)=caller(1); no warnings; my $c_block = $DB::args[-1]; package main; return $c_block->(@_) if ref $c_block eq "Block"; die "$subroutine called w/o block in $filename line $line"; } =pod simulating the ruby test-code =cut sub test { say "You are in the method"; yield 1; say "You are again back to the method"; yield 2; } test b{ say "You are in the block $_[0]" };